Monday, May 31, 2010


Thank you all who prayed about John’s caregivers. Today we had the one we had chosen to be a live-in caregiver come and see and participate in John’s morning routine. This worked out really well so I think we will use it with others as well. All the staff commented on how impressed they were with her and we also like her very much. Please continue to pray as we have to figure out which other people would be appropriate.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today when we got to church part of the wall was stripped to the 2x4's in preparation for renovations that are taking place. Mike referred to it in his sermon today when he talked about when we need improvements made, God has to strip us down before those renovations can take place. I am thankful that God is working on all of us to make us "beautiful in his time". I just need to have the patience to let God be God and do things his way and in his time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should pray to God, who will give it to him; because God gives generously and graciously to all. We sure need wisdom around the issue of caregivers-wisdom in deciding who to engage as caregivers, and wisdom in figuring out hours and a care plan. This past week we have interviewed 4-5 so far and have a couple more to go. We have started thinking about care plans and schedules as well. We are rookies at this and need lots of wisdom.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Resuming Independent Breathing

I slept all through the night last night with no interruptions. In the morning I had range of motion, chest physio and the bike so I got lots of exercise. In the afternoon we did an interview and then had my first independent breathing trial in PR. All these went well so I decided to go for a ride and visited VIU, Powell River campus and got a big welcome from the staff. On the way back we did some window shopping and arrived back at ECU in time for supper. It was pouring rain but we survived. I am thankful for all the things I can do.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Happening all the Time

Thing are moving. Laverne’s brother Stephen came over to organize the volunteers who are putting our house in order so we can move in. Next week I am going back down to Vancouver for more tests for the pacer and the staff at the Evergreen ECU have been nothing short of marvelous. Thank you for all your prayers and support. Pray requests are for being accepted for the pacer and getting moved into our house. We put an ad in the paper for caregivers and have had many responses and now we are in the interviewing phase.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Multimedia Library

Today it rained but we made it out to the PR Library. I can’t easily read books anymore but the library has a good collection of books on CD, music, and multimedia DVD’s so we went and loaded up. I’ve always been a fan of libraries since I was in grade school when the library in Castlegar was a shack in the municipal parking lot. It’s almost as if they brought in multimedia so I could continue to enjoy libraries!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Over the last few days Laverne and I have been interviewing prospective caregivers. We put an ad in the local paper. We have had several good candidates and now we have to make decisions about who we will hire. Pray that we will have wisdom in our decision. In addition we have had visits from many friends in Powell River. We give thanks for our return.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Not a Smooth Road

Last night Jon kept the nurses hopping as he had a lot of spasms which set off the alarm on his ventilator. An increase in spasms for Jon is an indication of an infection so today he was started on an antibiotic. Please pray that this will be effective and the infection will quickly clear. Also pray for patience as he would like to do so much and there are only so many hours in the day and much of the time is taken up in giving him the care he needs.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

House of Love

Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, "let us go to the house of the Lord". This was a special Sunday for us as it was our first Sunday back in PR. The nurses at ECU made a special effort to get John up so he could make it to church. It was so good to see all the old faces at Kelly Creek and it was also so encouraging to see so many new faces as well. God has been at work here at home, just as he has been at work in our lives in Vancouver for the past few months.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Working on Dragon

I have always enjoyed computers and talking, and now I get to talk to my computer. My new program, called Dragon has attracted a lot of attention. My nurse and other staff hear me talking and come into my room to find out what is happening. It is nice to have company. Please pray I will master the Dragon Program and the way it interacts and manages my other programs. Pray that Laverne can master the Bluetooth consistently so I can use Dragon.

Friday, May 21, 2010


How can you tell life is back to normal? Today John saw the dentist for his check-up and cleaning. They moved the dental chair out of the way and he stayed in his chair and tilted it way back so they could work on his teeth. I hovered around until he told me to go and sit in the waiting room. After we did some running around to WalMart and of course the bookstore as well as picking up root beer at A & W. If that wasn't enough for one day before he went out he had visits from some special people. It is so nice for us to see folks we haven't seen for ages and you can just pop in for a few minutes. It doesn't have to be long but it means a lot.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I thought I was retired!

Today was inservice at Evergreen ECU! In the afternoon my family doctor changed my tracheostomy before a crowd of interested nurses and the rest of the day I provided instruction inservice on other aspects of my care. Tonight I am quite tired while writing this blog but the high points have been the visitors I have seen. I have read their comments in the blog but it is so good to see them face to face. I feel like Paul in Romans 1:11,12 For I want very much to see you in order to share a spiritual blessing with you to make you strong. What I mean is that both you and I will be helped at the same time, you by my faith and I by yours.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We have a Wonderful ECU in PR

It is so exciting to be back in PR. The staff at ECU have been so helpful and willing to learn all that is needed to provide care for John. It has been a great learning experience for us as well as we will need to train caregivers that we hire. Please pray for caregivers for John - ones that will care for him and ones that God sends for us to be a part of their lives. We are also enjoying the visits with friends - John especially appreciates the visits that children have made to see him. We are thankful for all the wonderful friends who have visited, phoned and prayed for us.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday John!

Today was also John's birthday.
You're older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, and blessings as you are now home in Powell River.

Reunions - Getting together again

Today was my first full day in PR. At Evergreen I met so many people I know before I went to GF Strong from friends of my daughter Katie to people I taught at PR campus of VIU. It seemed I was surrounded by people who had a connection with me and/or my family. It reminded me how important it is to be connected with people. At the same time we need to be open to new relationships in our lives. As I read the blod today I realize there were people who I have known for years and people I have connected with recently. Please pray for me as I settle into a routine at Evergreen.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Today we left GF Strong just after 7am. We arrived at Evergreen ECU just before 2pm. We are so thankful for everyone who made this possible escially the staff both in PR and at GF Strong. We had no trouble at all on the way here. Needless to say John is pretty tired tonight but happy to be in PR. Tomorrow is his birthday so we plan on going out to the house in the afternoon (he will be tied up with staff all morning). We hope to catch up with everyone. Thank you for all your prayers and kindnesses.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Leave is to die a little

I learned this adage from my high school French teacher who came from Haiti. In French it is "partir est mourir un peu". I often think of it when I leave people I may not see again like fellow clients of GF Strong who I will remember forever but I may not see again, not to mention and nurses and other staff. To compensate for losing them I will be renewing friendships as I return to PR. Thank you for helping me retain friendships as you share this blog with me. The new van is very comfortable and I look forward to the trip tomorrow. Pray for a safe journey tomorrow.

Blake's Jerusalem

Yesterday we went to a sing-a-long concert. One of the pieces was William Blake’s Jerusalem and it has occupied my thoughts today as I there are no doctors around and no appointments. The first verse is controversial as people interpret it that Jesus visited England but it brought to my mind the verse whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes me. Blake doesn’t leave us with ancient history and so the second verse is his personal relationship with God. “Bring me my bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my spear: O clouds, unfold! Bring me my chariot of fire! I will not cease from mental fight, Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand Till we have built Jerusalem In England's green and pleasant land. What interested me was to look at the lines and apply each one to my life. My favourite line is Bring me my arrows of desire. I’ve just started on Blake’s poem so you’ll get more at another time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Today was a busy day as all the medical people were tying up loose ends and saying good-bye as most of them will not be there Monday morning when we leave – hopefully around 7am. In the evening we went to the Orpheum for the Bach Choir’s Last Night at the Proms. It was a fun concert with balloons bouncing and a teddy bear contest. One of the songs the two soloists sang was the song John sang to me when he first told me he loved me so it was special. It was made a little more memorable as the baritone soloist proposed to the soprano at the end of the concert! We took the HandyDart there and back and by the time they picked up us and a couple of others and dropped them off and then us it was almost midnight by the time we got back to GF Strong but it was a good day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Loose Ends

Today was another busy day and I have just left John in the capable hands of the massage therapy student while I write the blog. Today we nailed down the fact that we will leave early Monday morning to catch the 9:30 ferry out of Horseshoe Bay. Believe it or not they will bring a day nurse in an hour early so John will be ready to leave at 7 so we can make it through rush hour to get to the ferry in time. They also demonstrated how to do an emergency lift from his chair and how to go up and down stairs in his manual chair. We also received his chair ventilator that he will be taking with him. That was just a few of the things that happened today. Please pray that we will remain calm and able to do the many things needed in the next few days.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pot Pourri

Pot Pourri
Today I started by going to UBC to get a chest x-ray. I left at 10 o'clock and got back at 1:30. When I arrived back at G. F. Strong Laverne was there and she was interviewing a caregiver. As a consequence lunch was at 3 PM then we went to see occupational therapist. I needed to get my chair adjusted. When we left the occupational therapist we ran into Laura the chaplain. She was excited about sharing the pastors conference she went to let Regent College. We also received a message from Powell River that they would like us to go to the hospital on Tuesday not Monday. This is yet to be sorted out more about it later. After supper I got set up on the Dragon software and I am now using it to dictate this blog. Pray for the many meetings we've been having and will be having in the next few days.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another Chair

Today John was fitted for the wheelchair with which he will go home – not the chair he is buying but a loaner chair until he gets his.  He is happier to be in this chair as it is much smaller and once he gets used to it again much easier to drive.  Right now he has to adjust as he hasn’t driven this type of chair for over a month.  It is nice because his legs now fit under the dining room table again and I can sit at the same table as he is at and he doesn’t tower over me.  Please pray that it will be an easy adjustment to this chair and also that we would be aware of any adjustments to the chair that need to be made before we go home.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Focus on home

This week is for getting ready to get home.  I still have issues with my blood pressure and chest secretions.  Please pray these won't interfere with coming home.  Exciting news is it looks like we will get the wheelchair van I tried out Saturday.  I've really got to know the staff here at GF Strong and much and all as I want to get home I am going to miss them.  I give thanks for all the care I've had at both GF Strong and VGH and the great cooperation for going home from Evergreen ECU.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Room Becomes the Dragon's Den

Yesterday Laverne told you about the wheelchair van we tried out.  The exciting thing that happened yesterday was a trainer came with new software so that my computer can understand my voice.  This Dragon software was supplied by the PR campus of VIU where I worked before I retired.  It not only takes dictation so I can make notes and sent letters but also runs my programs and sends the mouse scurrying around the desktop.  VIU also provided funds for a training session so I am getting a good start.  The biggest challenge is my voice.  Pray that my voice will get stronger and more reliable.  We also went to church on the city bus but I'll write about that another time.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Trying out a van

Today was another day of preparation.  In the evening we test drove a wheelchair van.  The really good part of it was our nephew Andrew had a softball tournament close by so we got John into the van and went over and watched the game.  It was a tight fit getting him into the van because right now he is in the GF Strong chair which is considerably higher than the chair he is planning on getting.  It was great being able to just load him into the van and go where ever we wanted to go.  Please pray that we will make the right decision about a van.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Making Haste Slowly

Today I had sessions both physio and occupational therapy.  They are working together to provide a care book for my caregivers back home.  This is causing me to realize the time to go home is rapidly approaching. It is also important to realize I need to approach it deliberately and not to succumb to a state of hurry so some of the essentials get left out.  At times like this I like to recall the song "There is a time" which is based on Ecclesiastes 3.  Also I remember the tremendous amount that the Lord Jesus accomplished in 3 years of ministry and ye he never seemed to me in a hurry. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Intermittant Breathing Trial

Yesterday I took my first breathing trial where I didn't use oxygen but room air.  I started off with oxygen and then did 4 minutes on room air for a total of 6 1/2 minutes.  It seems strange to be so excited about 6 1/2 minutes of breathing without assistance when for 60 odd years I didn't think much at all about breathing.  That said I am very pleased that I can keep going with the help of a mechanical breather.  I was exhausted by the time the trial was over but half an hour later I was convinced I could have gone another 6 minutes.  It reminds me that the Bible tell us to consider our breathing and realize every breathe we take is a gift from God - Isaiah 42:5

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Low Batteries

This morning Laverne took out her cell phone to make a call only to find out she had forgotten to charge her phone and it wasn't working.  I wanted to check my oxygen level on the portable monitor only to find that the batteries needed changing.  This reminds me that our power comes from God through our Saviour Jesus Christ and I think of the Andre Crouch song "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power".  This is just another reason to praise God.  Today for the first time in a week my blood pressure stayed normal all through supper. Yeah!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Preparing to Go Home

This morning I worked with the physio and occupational therapists to film videos on my morning chest care so the people in PR will be able to see how the care is provided so they can do it in PR.  This afternoon I worked with them and the vendor of my equipment to get the specifications for equipment I need.  However this equipment will not be forthcoming until my extended health provider approves the purchase.  Please pray that we will get the approval of equipment purchase so it will be ready when I go home to PR.  Finally we visited the bank close to GF Strong to set up an account to pay my caregivers in PR.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Low blood pressure again

For the past few days John has again been struggling with low blood pressure.  This has not been a problem for him in months but it is now.  Please pray for him as he is very fatigued when this happens.  He also feels discouraged as he is concerned he will have to stay here longer. We appreciate all your prayers and comments that you make

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Trip of a different sort

I think I mentioned before the Cascades Gospel Chapel has undertaken a huge challenge as a church this year.  They are reading through the Bible in a year together and the messages each Sunday relate to that weeks readings.  Today's message was on confession and used Psalms 51 & 32 which are King David's confession.  I like the verse Ron Edgecombe the speaker shared -it was I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (he being God).  It was a challenge for everyone especially me.  Afterwards we all ate together with a beginning of the month luncheon.  Please pray I will keep my channel clear with God through confession.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Outing to Steveston

Today John and I along with some others from GF Strong went out to Steveston. The morning had started off very cloudy but by the time we went the sun started to shine. We enjoyed a scenic ride by farms and out to the water. As usual by the water it was very windy but the bonus was there were lots of kites flying. There were fellows on go-carts flying kites, some on inline skates, there was even one just sitting in his chair. We truly live in a beautiful province. We are blessed.