Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ventdate: Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Once I missed a few weeks of writing in my blog it became hard to start up again. But I am back and plan to write regularly.
What is exiting in my life these days? Bible Study and Skype.
Our Bible Study meets in a different home each week. With my wheelchair I can only get into about half the homes. Enter Skype. 10 days ago I led a study from my computer. It reminded me of the men who made a hole in the roof to get a paralytic friend to Jesus.
Please pray for me: That I will stay healthy and get back to regular blogging.
Also that our use of Skype will work for Bible Study.
See you soon.


  1. So Glad to see you back, and agree you are looking so well. With deepest love take care. Our prayers are with you.
    Alexa and Don

  2. How good it is to see you back with the blog John, and
    what a blessing to have the advantages of a technology like Skype.

  3. Wow! I am so impressed, John. You not only attended a Bible Study via Skype, you led it! Very clever. Praying for you for good health and more innovative ideas.

  4. You continue to amaze and inspire the entire family. Auntie Sheila is happy to hear you are back blogging. Skype is such a wonderful way to connect over distances.
    There is a saying that a man is made up by all of his experiences.
    All the love and prayers from the family in Trail and Aunty Sheila.
