Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter in a Wheelchair

This past weekend I celebrated both Easter and my growing independence. On Good Friday I attended a service at a local church (Foursquare) where they had communion led by the pastor of another church (Lighthouse). As I met and worshipped with friends from my community it reminded me how Christians are all part of one family, the family of God.
On Saturday I went to Willingdon Beach Park for a community Easter egg hunt. There too I reveled in being part of a family, I am a Powell Riverite!
Finally, on Sunday I celebrated with my local church family. We greeted each other thus: Christ is risen! reply: He is risen indeed!
Before my accident I was an introvert and did not feel a need for others. Now I realize that my independence is really interdependence. It began with the staff at VGH who did it all for me. Then the staff at GF Strong Rehab who helped me to do it myself. Then, in my move home to Powell River, the Evergreen Extended Care Unit helped me integrate into my community. Finally, when I moved home, I gathered round me a group of caregivers who make it possible for me to be me.


  1. Introvert? I suppose I didn't know you very well then.Isn't it wonderful that God keeps growing us and giving us new appreciations - and all these families! Thanks for sharing and praise be to God.

  2. Aunty Sheila and the other family don't think of you as an introvert. You were always looking out and seeing what you could do as a kid and helping people when you were older.
    You were used to giving to others. Aunty Sheila thinks you learned a much harder lesson since your accident - how to receive help from others. You have done this with grace and a willingness to learn from the situation and find a way to give and help others again with your gift of writing.
    We are all interconnected. The family in Trail is happy that you and Laverne had a wonderful Easter with your family in Christ and Powell Riverites.

    Aunty Sheila and the family in Trail

  3. I know what you mean, and think it is wonderful, you are part of a larger whole and the largest is God. I can see you being part of that, but too, I have always seen you as a leader and been very proud of you. With love and Happy Easter
    Don and Alexa
