Friday, February 25, 2011

An Award

This week we received exciting news. My social worker from GF Strong called to tell me I had won a Gert Vorsteher Memorial Award for pursuing independence. This is exciting because having been at home for 8 months I have thought of several things I want to do to get more independence and this award will provide funds to help me do this. The award is being given in May in Vancouver around the same time I need to be there for a doctor’s appointment. Pray that I will be able to use the award wisely and join me in giving thanks for this blessing. I Thessalonians 5:17 In everything give thanks.


  1. Congratulations on winning the award. You have been an inspiration to all who know you with your determination to continue your journey. We know that you will have the wisdom to put the award to the best possible use.

    Aunty Sheila and the family in Trail

  2. Congratulations John! You continue to inspire.

  3. What a nice surprise John...congratulations on winning the award...
    You are responsible and will choose wisely and put the award to good use..
    We continue to thank God for you and your journey..

    Take care and God bless....

  4. So definitely deserve this award and recognition, glad it will be able to help you push forward and pioneer more ways toward independence for yourself and others...

  5. Congratulations John. I can't think of anyone more deserving of this award than you. Keep on keeping on!
    Diane (Gration) Dermott

  6. Congratulations on winning the award.
    May God richly bless you and Laverne as you continue to serve HIM.


  7. I like your idea of doing a word a week! Good to hear your latest news and how Jesus is caring for you on this journey.
