Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hebrews 4:9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God  Once again Sunday was a time of rest and sharing-sharing insights from God's word and resting in sharing communion.  Resting because it reminds us we can rest because Jesus did it all.  It was the time change for Daylight Saving Time so I lost an hour of sleep in the night but I was able to sleep in until 11!  After lunch Laverne and Pastor Ian came and we talked about the assurance of victory that we have in Jesus.  What a blessed time we had.

1 comment:

  1. We understand about the time change...we have the 3 grandchildren here but still managed to get ready for church in the morning...I think it was more difficult for ME. :)

    We had birthday dinners for all the children as we always miss theirs in Kelowna. They all got to choose their favorite dinner and dessert...
    Sunday was our grandson's choice and it was an easy one for no hard work was done!!!

    It is a real joy to have them here...they get along so difficulty there...

    Take care...we keep you both in our daily prayers.... LOL
