Saturday, March 20, 2010

Living in the Present

Today was one of those days when not much was happening and I tended to look back to yesterday when I went to the sledge hockey game or look forward to church tomorrow.  Really what I need to do is live in the present.  Today I did work on the computer doing my Bible reading and adding notes.  I also downloaded the book "Cost of Discipleship".  We spent time in the computer room with visitors.  That is a lot of living that I did do in the present and I am thankful for it.

1 comment:

  1. Yes John, we do tend to look back sometimes instead of ahead... and then we look forward to something that might be coming up...I think it is a habit most of us have...whether good or bad...

    Sounds like you have been busy on your computer. good for you!!!..It seems like you are getting very proficient with your work on it.

    Our grandchildren left this morning. We must not be selfish as we had the enjoyment of thir love and laughter for two weeks... Oh the sweetness of children!!!

