Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here a little, There a little

Today I had chest physio and got a lot of clearing of my chest.  THen the RT did an independent breathing trial and I was able to go 5 minutes without the ventilator, an increase of 2 minutes over my best trial before.  These seem like small advances but they mean a lot to me.  Pray that I will continue to improve on my performance.


  1. Going from 3 minutes to 5 minutes without a ventilator is no small advance - it's huge!
    Praise the Lord!

  2. Just like the Shepherd went looking for one lost sheep. Just one, but that is huge.

    He cares for the little birds and the flowers and..... well, we all know that God is in the details as well as in the big things. Without small things there would not be anything big

    Praise God that He cares for the smallest things and, please John, know that we are starting to realize how big small steps are, thanks to what you are sharing with us

    Thank you

  3. WOW!!! that is great news John...very encouraging.... You are making wonderful progress...many small steps (as you refer to it)
    turn into big successes.
    Still praying!!!
