As anyone who has travelled with John would know, the Minister's Cat is his favourite game for car trips. And, if you have ever played this game with him, you will know that his superior vocabulary makes him an expert. To play, one person starts by using a descriptive word to describe the 'minister's cat' beginning with a-z. This blog is dedicated to John, in order to update friends and family about his journey and provide areas of prayer.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Good News
Yesterday afternoon the doctor met us in the hall very excited. She just had the results of John's blood tests and his hemoglobin results had increased substantially from the week before. Also his kidney function continues to improve. We are very thankful that John's health is stable in some areas and even improving in others.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Team Meeting
Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. - Today there were 21 people for John's team meeting. The truth of this proverb could be seen as everyone at his meeting was working on his behalf to make sure John's homegoing is a success and goes as smoothly as possible. To that end 3 nurses from PR each involved in different areas made the trip to GF Strong, as well as 3 other members of his team in PR attended the meeting by phone. The communication between people was so helpful and as one person said after it now feels like one team, not one team in PR and another at GF Strong. The good news is that John's date for coming home is still May 3. Please pray that John will remain healthy and that the plans formed from this meeting will go forward.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thank you
Proverbs 25:25 As cold water to a weary soul, So is good news from a far country. Today I just want to thank all the people who reply to the blog. Your comments are a great encouragement to me. Please pray that our outings will continue to be successful. This week we are going for brunch at Marsha's on Friday and Easter Service and lunch at Cascades Gospel Chapel on Sunday.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tour of Downtown Vancouver
Today I went to church - the long way. We had over an hour tour of downtown Vancouver before we headed out to the church. We saw a community garden on Davie St. and a group of runners coming from Stanley Park. I really appreciate being able to get out. Everybody welcomed me at church. The message was God still has a purpose for your life even after you retire. Caleb was 85 when he went to Joshua and asked to conquer and take the hill country of Hebron. God still has something for me to do too!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Another Outing
Today was our second time on an outing with Shannon the rec planner. This time we went with a couple of other ladies to the Museum of Vancouver. It is in the same building as the space centre Planetarium. This time John felt more confident and did some of the driving as well especially outside. We walked around the park there and over to the Maritime Museum as it was nice and sunny and not too windy. Another successful outing without John having any difficulties. Each time we go it makes the next time easier.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Being a Teacher
John is really on a learning curve. The physio therapist is teaching him how to figure out how his chest is doing. He is learning how important it is to ask for help with coughing and suctioning. He is also learning how to teach someone how to position him so the coughing will be effective. It is very important that he learn the things he needs to know so he can teach caregivers how to look after him properly. It is a big task but he has always loved being a teacher.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Living Room Successful
When I got back from PR the big news John had to tell me was that we were on for going to the Living Room Wednesday night. I didn't mention it in the blog as the last time it never happened so I thought we could report after the fact instead. This was the reason for no blog yesterday. For the first time in over 7 months John and I were able to spend the night together alone. A nurse came in to help get John ready for bed, another at midnight to help turn him and in the morning we had help to get John up and dressed. We appreciated all the help we got at this is not usual for the Living Room setting. It made me see how necessary it is for us to have help at home to care for John as I could never do it all myself. We are very blessed to have such help here and so many of you praying and caring for us in so many different places.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Here a little, There a little
Today I had chest physio and got a lot of clearing of my chest. THen the RT did an independent breathing trial and I was able to go 5 minutes without the ventilator, an increase of 2 minutes over my best trial before. These seem like small advances but they mean a lot to me. Pray that I will continue to improve on my performance.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Pressure sore
On Saturday night as John was getting ready for bed I noticed he had a red spot on an area by his heel. This is the same heel that earlier in the year had a blister. Although the blister healed the new skin in never quite as good before. We are thankful this area is not open. Please pray with us that this pressure area would clear up. I talked with John today and he was in good spirits and had a good sleep the previous night.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Made it to Church!
Today Laverne and I went to church together for the first time since my accident just over 7 months ago. It reminds me of Matt 18:20 Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst. God was certainly in our midst. I met many people who I don't know but have been praying four me. What a great nblessing. We took the Handydart which picked us up at GF Strong and dropped us up at the door of the church and then vice versa for the return trip. It all went so smooth. I plan on trying it again. Please pray for me as Laverne is in PR for a couple of days.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Living in the Present
Today was one of those days when not much was happening and I tended to look back to yesterday when I went to the sledge hockey game or look forward to church tomorrow. Really what I need to do is live in the present. Today I did work on the computer doing my Bible reading and adding notes. I also downloaded the book "Cost of Discipleship". We spent time in the computer room with visitors. That is a lot of living that I did do in the present and I am thankful for it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Winning in Overtime
Today we made our first foray to the Paralympics and saw a sledge hockey game between the Czech Republic and Korea. At the end of regulation time it was 1-1. In overtime the Czech Republic scored to win the game. The atmosphere was tense in OT because the first goal wins the game which causes me to give thanks for the Christian life since Christ has won the game before it even starts. The freedom I have in Christ enables me to walk through any situation ie quadraplegia with confidence.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
BC Paraplegic Assn
Today we attended a teleconference put on by BCPA. They also do rap sessions Wednesday evenings which we often attend, as well as having members show up for the education sessions at GF Strong to give the perspective of some one in the "real" world living with their disability. Today's session went out from the boardroom at GF Strong and people tapped in from Quesnel, Prince George and Victoria. These information sessions happen once a month on topics of interest and people can hook up through community health in their area. We plan on doing this when we are in PR as I am sure especially when we get home we will have lots of questions to ask. Please remember to pray for us tomorrow as we go on our first big non-medical outing.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ups and Downs
Today has been rather difficult. Yesterday Laverne told you we were to be spending the night together in the Living Room to see what it was like to be on our own. When Laverne got here this morning we found out the nurses had some concerns so we are not staying in the Living Room tonight. I have to work closely with the nurses so please pray that no bad attitudes will arise. Moving on, today Laverne's sister Marsha got some training on the ventilator and suctioning so she can back up Laverne when I go to church this Sunday. We have already ordered the HandyDart and I look forward to meeting with God's people and worshipping together.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Yesterday we were given an electric bed and shower chair for John along with some other supplies. This is such a blessing for us as not only do we have the equipment here and John can try it out while still in Vancouver and if other pieces are needed we will know now but we also don't have to make a decision about which bed or chair would be best. That decision has already been made for us. We have enough other things to think about anyways. We continue to be amazed at the encouragement, prayers and interest of so many people and so many offers of help. There will be no blog tomorrow as I will be staying with John overnight in the GF Strong "Living Room". Pray that we will be able to cope with whatever comes up when we spend this time by ourselves.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Power in the Blood
On Friday I had a blood transfusion and even today I feel strong and energized to do more. The transfusion has helped me regain the energy I need to keep up with the rehab I need to do before coming home. It reminds me the blood of Jesus has given me a new life in him 2 Cor 5:17. Today I was able to stay awake the whole day and get a lot accomplished. This week we have planned an outing on Friday. Pray the energy I feel today will carry on so I can go to see sledge hockey at UBC Friday.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Hebrews 4:9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God Once again Sunday was a time of rest and sharing-sharing insights from God's word and resting in sharing communion. Resting because it reminds us we can rest because Jesus did it all. It was the time change for Daylight Saving Time so I lost an hour of sleep in the night but I was able to sleep in until 11! After lunch Laverne and Pastor Ian came and we talked about the assurance of victory that we have in Jesus. What a blessed time we had.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Every day with Jesus
There's a song I learned as a new Christian. It goes "every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before"-I don't remember much more than that. Yesterday I went to VGH to get a blood transfusion and today instead of being sleepy I was alert the whole day. In the afternoon Laverne and I went out to the little shopping mall by ourselves. We went up and down the aisles in Safeway. One of the patients here has a cupholder fastened to a chest belt and we looked at the different cups at Starbucks and Safeway to see if we could find a cup to go in a holder. We decided in the end to get the cupholder first. On the way back to GF Strong it was raining and we got a little wet but it was worth it to have our first solo trip outside. This week we plan to atten some of the paralympics. In the words of Tony the Tiger "I feel gr-r-reat!" Thank you for all your prayers
Friday, March 12, 2010
A Short Visit To VGH
Today I had a chat with the doctor in the morning. She said my hemoglobulin was lower and it was time for a blood transfusion which needs to be done at VGH. Awhile after Laverne arrived we headed off to VGH. As usual things take longer than expected. It was hard to find a good vein for the transfusion but eventually all went well and I made it back to GF Strong by 9 pm. As the doctor predicted I feel perkier after 2 units of blood.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wheelchair picked (I think)
Today John's brother went back to Greenwood so we had a more normal day. Right now my days are filled with getting paperwork done. John on the otherhand is a bit drowsy as they upped his medication and it takes a few days to get over that. Please pray with us that it will be effective in decreasing his spasms. In spite of feeling tired he is doing a lot of driving on his own and it looks like the chair he is using now is the type he will get. The driving seems to work for him and the display monitor is easy to see. Now that he has the type of chair figured out there are a whole lot of details-you would not believe all the options. It comes stripped down and cushion, back, arm rests just to name a few things have to be added. Please pray we will be wise in the options we choose for the chair.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Living Room
Today John's brother was here to visit. John got to show him how he works his computer among many other things. We used a floor lift today to get John from the bed to his chair. This is in preparation for spending a night in the "living room". It is a special room in GF Strong that is like having an overnight pass to see how we do on our own. Normally there is no nursing care but they have made an exception for us as we will have to have help to get John out of his and and into bed and vice versa. We hope to try this situation out next week. There is no ceiling lift in this room so they use a floor lift and I did not want to be confronted with it for the first time when we are there. Pray that we will use our time wisely to do the tasks that need to be done at present and not get ahead of ourselves.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Today we went outside with the OT and she showed me how to drive John up and down small curbs and on the grass and uneven ground. This is all in preparation for going out on our own. Yeah! We are going to start by going out with the recreation planner. We are hoping to take in a sledge hockey competition at the Para olympics next week if we get the okay. It is very exciting as all the outings we have been on so far have been for doctor appointments or medical procedures. This seems like a more normal thing to do. Please pray that John will remain healthy so this can be a reality.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Back on a Bike!
Today John biked 2.2 km. At GF Strong they have a bike that they can strap your feet into and set a speed and it will turn your feet without you having to move the pedals yourself. For John it was going slow - it took 1/2 hour to do 2.2 km. This is because the PT thinks this might help to decrease his spasms. They can have the bike at a faster pace if exercise is wanted. It kind of reminded me of the end of Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Perseverance in life is so important and even when we have to rely on others or machines to do the running we need to be there for the race.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Sabbath was made for Man
Today is Sunday and I spent my time on the computer and reading in the gospel of Mark. Jesus said "the Sabbath was made for man" Mark 2:27. so I did not feel bad spending time to practice with the morse code program for my computer. By the time I came round to writing the blog I let Laverne transcribe it. There is president for this as Paul mentions that he wrote in his own hand to say goodbye ie someone else took down the bodoy of the letter. I had 5 visitors today, 4 from PR and the pastor of Cascades Gospel Chapel in Vancouver. We spent a good time. I can hardly wait to get back to PR and I appreciate the pastor's visit to talk and share communion, Altogether today has been a bright note in a week of bright noters. I thank you for all your prayers and today I ask you to thank God for his faithfulness
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Help needed
Today Laverne came back from PR. I realize the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is true. By the time she got back my beard was looking pretty scruffy! It is very humbling to be able to do so little for oneself and have to depend on others to do so much for me. I wrote the first part of this blog but I am letting Laverne type out the last part as it is very tiring. It reminds me of a verse for today Matt. 5:3 Blessed are those who are spiritually needy. They will receive the kingdom of heaven. Please pray for me that I will do what I can and accept the help of others for what I can't do.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Darci versus Dragon
Yesterday I talked about Darci. It uses sip and puff control to produce text and control the mouse. The other program I'm considering is called Dragon. This is a speech recognition program. All I have to do is say what I want to write and Dragon puts it into the computer. It sounds like a much more natural way to enter text but not as good at handling the mouse to access other programs on the computer. Please pray that I will have wisdom and patience in learning how to use my computer again.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Means and Ends
Someone asked how I was able to put a blog together on my computer. Believe me it wasn't easy! There are two programs I am using on my computer. The one for the blog I did is called Darci which uses a sip and puff control to deliver Morse Code to the computer for the letters and additional codes for mouse movements, punctuation, etc. I was lent a copy of Darci to try out. It took me about two hours to compose and type the blog but the Bible passage I copied out of my computer Bible software call E-sword. It is free software from Australia and I have found it works well. Practicing Darci has helped me with my driving which also uses sip and puff.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Apart for a few days
Today I came home to meet with the case manager, OT and the vendor's rep Thursday and Friday in PR to look over our place and see what changes might have to be made. In the meantime John meets with the vendor about the type of bed he will be getting and is also trying his third demo chair. Last week the doctor who looks after the medical side of his case was away. Now she is back and adjusting his drugs for lob hemoglobin and spasms. Please pray God will give her wisdom and pray for John and I as we are apart for a few days.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
In the Background
This week has been a busy week. I am going to tell you what goes on in the background. I am going to be trying out a new chair today. The sales rep has been busy in the background making sure the chair meets my specifications which are considerable. The transition person is busy working with my case manager in PR to set up how my care will look when I return home. The OT at GF Strong and the OT in PR are busy arranging other things for me. I come in at the end and everything has been prepared. It reminds me of Lazarus in John 11. When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick he waited 2 days until everything was ready and prepared and then he arrived. Please pray that I will be patient and let the background things work out and not rush into things.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Change in Routine
Up until now my shower has been in the evening. They have a nifty bath stretcher that goes over the bath tub and then I get washed. This morning my nurse announced he would like to give my a shower in the morning using a shower/commode chair instead of a stretcher. I was bundled into the chair and taken to the shower room, my breathing handled by ambu bag. Once I got to the shower room I used the vent on my wheelchair which was there ready in the shower room. After my shower I was bundled up in a flannel and brought back to my room. Cleanliness is next to godliness is not found in the Bible but it is a real treat to get really clean especially in the morning. Please pray as we examine options for bathing when I get home.
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