Saturday, August 29, 2009
Today John was in good spirits and was sitting up in bed. He is hoping to be sitting in a chair soon. This has not been possible yet because his blood pressure goes down when he sits up. Pray that his blood pressure will increase. He has enjoyed his visitors over the past few days and John makes sure that they all sign his guest book.
Hi John, Tom and Inge-Lore here. It was good to see your smiling face the other day. Like the vest! Sorry we didn't respond earlier. Couldn't figure out how to work this blog. A great deal of glee was enjoyed by all who dealt with this predicament. We are glad to hear that you are progressing. You are in our prayers. Laverne's mom and dad were here and delivered something for us to deliver to Dorie. Bible study is Tuesday. You will be greatly missed but we know you will be there in spirit and in the unity of spirit we will continue. All the best Tom and Inge-Lore