Thursday, August 27, 2009


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laverne and John celebrated their 32nd anniversary with a beautiful bouquet from Kelly Creek Community Church. They both agreed that although this accident was not what they would have chosen, it has brought them closer together. John had more visitors today and has enjoyed this change.


  1. Happy 32nd anniversary! Glad you could be together to celebrate. Peter and Carol

  2. Happy Anniversary - I will come and see you soon. I'm sending all my love and prayers to you. Juhli.

  3. We also wish you a happy and deep anniversary. Anne and I celebrated some in hospital rooms also... they're still good anniversaries.

  4. Our 12th anniversary that we celebrated in the hospital didn't go very well. I forgot it! In my defense, I was recovering from the delivery of our third son. Steve has never let me forget that anniversary! So you two are doing much better than us!
    God bless you both...we love you.
    Happy Anniversary!
    Love Steve and Deb

  5. Happy anniversary precious people. We have never spent an anniversary in the hospital, but once on Valentines day we had a special dinner planned, but instead spent the night in emergancy as Larah had a spinal tap....I KNOW that I didn't have a very good attitude about that one. I am so inspired by how you two look to the blessings. I am praying that this year be the best you two have had yet, and that the hand of God is closer more tangeble than ever before.....We love you.

    Suzette, Con and crew

  6. Happy 32nd. You're one year ahead of us. We're praying for you and looking forward to hearing more good news about your progress.
    Dave & Donna Dick

  7. Happy "32nd" Anniversary Verne and John...

    Love from
    the "Moir Clan"
