Friday, August 28, 2009


Friday, August 28, 2009.

Today John startled his visitors when he called himself a frog. We were relieved to realize that he meant he was Fully Relying On God. He enjoyed his visitors and the cards that he has received so far. He appreciates your prayers and support. Johns temperature went down and for the first time since ICU he required a blanket to keep warm.


  1. Please give our love to John and tell him we are also praying for him. I hope that makes us all FROGs.

    Scott and Elke Sager

  2. we are praying for you

  3. Tom and Inge-Lore FreemanAugust 29, 2009 at 4:33 PM

    HI TOM

  4. Hello John & Family,
    Crystal Gallant passed on this link to your blog site. We wondered how you were fairing. My husband Phil came down to your "crash site" and helped you breathe for a few minutes before the ambulance arrived. Darren Mitchell was the ATV rider that was first on the scene and stopped at all the neighbours for help. You had many things working to help you get through the impossible odds for such a "freaky & Traumatic" accident. You & your family have a strong faith and a strong following of friends. Our thoughts are with you too.(neigbours Phil & Betty)
