Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thanks for all your prayers

I felt good enough today to review the last few blogs and responses. I have been greatly encouraged by the mention of the prayers you have for Laverne and I. My mind is clearer and my spiritual sense is reawakening. Let us praise the Lord together! Hallelujah! Psalm 150.
John.(typed by caregiver Amanda)


  1. John, we're so happy to hear that you're feeling better. Praise the Lord together indeed!!
    Stay well. Juhli.

  2. I just caught up on the latest couple of blog reports from you. It is amazing John you feel like going out and doing all these things and taking in watching the salmon run.

    God is giving you and Laverne all renewed strength..

    Take care and God bless you both....

  3. Praise the Lord. Had a nice visit from the church ladies today and thought of you. It is good to have you so happy again. Take care...our prayers and love are always with you.
    Don and Alexa
