Monday, October 11, 2010

Surgery Tomorrow

Tomorrow John will have surgery to put in a port o cath - a type of IV line that is under the skin that is less susceptible to infection. Please pray that this will go without incident and John’s recovery will be short. He continues to be very tired. He has not had the energy to write or even think about doing his blog. We do appreciate all your prays and encouraging words


  1. John you're always in our prayers. It was so nice to see you on Sunday and be able to fellowship together at KCCC. Praying for your renewed strength and God's guidance for the doctors and staff as well as safe travels to and from Vancouver. Sending all our love and prayers,
    Juhli and Malonie.

  2. Love and prayers, peace, healing and encouragement...even when things are too hectic to write it down, always thinking of and praying for you.
    Deb and family
