Saturday, September 11, 2010


Let us encourage one another Hebrews 10:24. On Saturday morning we have men’s prayer meeting and I find having someone else to go with means I am encouraged to go myself so Lee and I go every Saturday together. I am sure we encourage one another. Another encouragement for me is when people read my blog. It is exciting to read interactions with the blog or to meet people who tell me they read the blog regularly. Please pray that all would go well on our trip to Vancouver going down Monday and returning on Wednesday.


  1. John, I am praying for a safe trip for you and Laverne. Also praying that your new chair will be exactly right for you and that you might see some things at the Expo that could make life a bit easier for you. And rest assured that the two of you are a tremendous encouragement to all who read your blog. Blessings and safe travel, Kathy

  2. John and Laverne,

    Although I may not add a lot of comments to your blog, I read it regularly. And if life gets in the way, I always catch up. Your thoughts are always and encouragement as well as a challenge in my life. Praying that the Lord's plans will be accomplished on this trip to Vancouver!
