Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Team Meeting and looking forward

Today was John’s team meeting. At this meeting including various care team members from GF Strong and the Powell River members by phone it was established that John’s discharge date will be May 17th. This seems to work for everyone. Those here at GF Strong feel that he will be ready to go and in PR they are confident all will be ready to receive him. We are looking forward to seeing all our PR friends again. One big hurdle for us is extended health funding approval needs to be had for all John’s equipment. Would you pray with us that approval will come in quickly so things can be ordered? In the next few weeks John needs to hire caregivers and this is a big job. Please pray that he will have wisdom in the ones he chooses.


  1. Of course.

    Much to decide within the next three weeks.

  2. Praying for good equipment, great care givers, and and happy trip home...hugs
    Alexa and Don
