Friday, April 30, 2010

Hollywood North - Alive and Well

This morning I began my career as a movie star.  They shot photographs of my chest care and getting transferred into the wheelchair.  These still pictures, along with an appropriate description of what is happening will be put together for a manual for my caregivers and the staff at ECU,  Next week they are bringing a video camera to record the events happening here at GF Strong.  I am relieved because along  with training caregivers it will be a reminder to me of what I need to direct my care.  In the afternoon Laverne and I took time out to look at the gardens and yards close to GF Strong.  Please pray that the video and handbook will be ready to take to Powell River when I leave.


  1. Well after that photography and honour and glory I am glad that you are still speaking to us.

    :) That is such a good idea.

    You have done so very much in the past few weeks.....

    Congratulations to the both of you!

  2. Wow that is so awesome. Congratulations on becoming a star. I know many will benefit from your handbook. Hugs you and Laverne.
