As anyone who has travelled with John would know, the Minister's Cat is his favourite game for car trips. And, if you have ever played this game with him, you will know that his superior vocabulary makes him an expert. To play, one person starts by using a descriptive word to describe the 'minister's cat' beginning with a-z. This blog is dedicated to John, in order to update friends and family about his journey and provide areas of prayer.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hollywood North - Alive and Well
This morning I began my career as a movie star. They shot photographs of my chest care and getting transferred into the wheelchair. These still pictures, along with an appropriate description of what is happening will be put together for a manual for my caregivers and the staff at ECU, Next week they are bringing a video camera to record the events happening here at GF Strong. I am relieved because along with training caregivers it will be a reminder to me of what I need to direct my care. In the afternoon Laverne and I took time out to look at the gardens and yards close to GF Strong. Please pray that the video and handbook will be ready to take to Powell River when I leave.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
BBQ Supper
At GF Strong today was sunny but windy. A bbq supper had been planned for tonight so John and I went. It was a great time although too windy to eat outside. Instead we sat in the staff cafeteria out of the wind. We met some people we hadn't met before and that was fun. We usually meet people while having our meals but some of them eat in the downstairs cafeteria so we don't see those people as much. One of the most important parts of GF Strong is the sharing and learning that goes on between patients.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Directing care
Last night John did not sleep that well. As a consequence when I came in this morning he was sound asleep and the nurse said he had asked to get up at 11. I spent the morning chatting with some of the other patients. John got up for lunch and then went back to bed as the physio therapist wanted to help John teach the nurses how to do his chest care. A few more sessions of that and he will be ready to go home and teach the nurses in Evergreen. He is really getting better all the time at directing his care. I think the extra two weeks we have down here are going to make a big difference for John’s confidence in being able tell others how to take care of him. Please pray that John’s nights don’t get interrupted so that he can get the rest he needs at night.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Team Meeting and looking forward
Today was John’s team meeting. At this meeting including various care team members from GF Strong and the Powell River members by phone it was established that John’s discharge date will be May 17th. This seems to work for everyone. Those here at GF Strong feel that he will be ready to go and in PR they are confident all will be ready to receive him. We are looking forward to seeing all our PR friends again. One big hurdle for us is extended health funding approval needs to be had for all John’s equipment. Would you pray with us that approval will come in quickly so things can be ordered? In the next few weeks John needs to hire caregivers and this is a big job. Please pray that he will have wisdom in the ones he chooses.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A New Creation II Cor. 5:17
GF Strong is a facility where many people are finding a new way to live with the help of many different therapists. It reminds me of the new life that God brings about when a person no longer lives for themselves but for Jesus Christ who died for them. As in my case at GF Strong there are many difficulties along the way. One of the hardest things to sort out is what I can do something about and what I can do nothing about. Working with the therapists I can develop new skills to breathe and move and communicate etc. but when I get an infection I have to rely on the "experts". In the same way in my Christian life Iearn new ways to breathe and move and communicate through the Bible, pray and fellowship of other Christians. Along the way I have to realize for the infection of sin I canreally only rely on my Saviour. The amazing thing is that is what he wants and while I try to deal with it on my own I just get `sicker`. Please pray I will make use of Jesus to deal with sin and continue to grow stron both at GF Strong and in my Christian life.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spring has sprung
Today Laverne and I took the HandyDart to church. Both coming and going the drivers took different streets than we are used to and we were both struck by the blossoms of east Vancouver. They had dropped from the trees and lay on the ground like pink confetti from a hundred weddings. At church it was neat to see the little kids full of energy running up the aisle. One little guy as he came running up slowed to a stop and his eyes got very big and he slowly looked all around me. Then today's message was how God takes care of me in any situation so today is a day of praise and thanksgiving for our God is a great God! Psalm 57 is my meditation for today.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
So much to do, so little time
This morning I was thinking of all we have to get done in order to go home to PR. This was sparked by a visit from Sharon Wright from PR as she said it would be exciting for everyone when I got home. I started thinking about all the necessary things to do before MaY 17th, my date for going to PR. I am no longer a callow youth and the prospect of moving out of GF Strong seems daunting at best. Please pray that I will have strength (and organization) to get all that is required done to get back to PR. Also pray my health will be good as we approach leaving.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Today I was thinking about the importance of sharing especially how PR Health and GF Strong can share so when I go home the cargivers will have the best information to look after me. Next Friday I am looking forward to a photo shoot! It will be used to make a care book for PR> This will help ensure that everyone is on the same page and it reassures me. Please pray I will be able to direct my care when I get home - this is not as easy as it sounds. Thanks again for your encouraging comments on the blog.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Trip to the Basement
Today when I got to GF Strong John had just got back from the basement where they had done some nerve testing on his hand to see if he has carpel tunnel syndrome from his many years of using the computer. This came up quite quickly so they didn't even have time to put him in his chair, instead he went downstairs in his bed. Each day it seems as if there is something new or unexpected happening. New things and different people make life interesting here. Please pray we will continue to be encouragers.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today I went out in the GF Strong van to teh Abilities Expo at which many groups displayed how things could be adapted so people with disabilities can do more activities. I had already been exposed as at GF Stron a speaker had told how he went on the Westcoast Trail. Many of the poeple are volunteers and their aim is to enable people who are wheelchair bound to do more. Please pray that I will not be too proud to accept the aid offered by these groups. I saw a specially adapted poncho that covers the wheelchair as well as the person and has a removeable fleece lining. That was just one of many things that caught my attention!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Being like David, not Saul
Yesterday Laverne wrote that May 3 was the date for moving back to PR. Now, in order to get everything accomplished the date has been changed to May 17. In a way it is discouraging but in providing a later date
the GF Strong team will be sure everything is in order. Earlier in the week Pastor Ian shared the Sunday message which was about Saul and his kingship. He explained how Saul was always in a rush and gave in to outside pressure to do things in a hurry. The result was a disaster every time. I don't want to be like Saul, I want to be like David. He waited for years after Samuel had told him he would be king. Please pray that I will have patience to wait to go to PR for when all things are ready.
the GF Strong team will be sure everything is in order. Earlier in the week Pastor Ian shared the Sunday message which was about Saul and his kingship. He explained how Saul was always in a rush and gave in to outside pressure to do things in a hurry. The result was a disaster every time. I don't want to be like Saul, I want to be like David. He waited for years after Samuel had told him he would be king. Please pray that I will have patience to wait to go to PR for when all things are ready.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Looking to going home
Today John tackled the difficult question with the doctor about if his hospital stay would delay his discharge date. Imagine our relief to hear that really the only thing that would keep him from missing that date would be not having all his equipment lined up. We are sure going to work hard on making sure all those little details are taken care of so we can make the all important move back to PR.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Psalm 121
Today I was reading Psalm 121. The last verse-The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore-seems to me to be a promise that John and I have experienced especially in the last little while. It is wonderful that we don't have to worry about coming and going (like to the hospital) but know that God is watching over us. Please pray that we will all experience that peace that goes with knowing the Lord is watching over.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Power of Stories
This morning Laverne couldn't come until the afternoon so I lay in bed listening to the radio. CBC had a program that talked about the power we had in the stories of the difficult times. When we are brave enough to share the difficult/embarrassing stories of our lives it tends to draw people together and give them the freedom to share difficulties they have had. I was thinking that htis might be why Jesus spoke in parables. What do you think? Please pray that I can share my story so others can share theirs.
Friday, April 16, 2010
More tests
Today was a busy day for John. First thing this morning he visited with his brother and niece. Right afterwards he was out to UBC for some tests they had scheduled a couple of months ago. Since he went out there by stretcher he decided it was a day to catch up on rest and when he got back from UBC he stayed in bed. His brother and niece visited again and then after supper I went in with Robin to see John. Please pray that John does get the rest he needs and also is able to do the activities that he wants to do as well.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Special visitors
John's brother, Robin and our niece Sarah have come for a quick visit. This is really great as I have had a sore throat for the past couple of days and so have just paid quick little visits to see John. Please pray that John will be encouraged and be an encourager and that I would quickly get over whatever it is that I have!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Looking forward
We are really looking forward to coming home next month and are busy getting many things ready. Yesterday we purchased a second hand manual chair for John as a back up (and lighter) chair. Please pray for John as he continues to learn how to direct his care and also that we would remember all the things we need to arrange before going home.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Encouraging words
Today I went to Bible study. We were looking at John 15 - the gardening chapter. The point is to bear fruit and I was thinking about pollenization. It seems to me that each of you with your encouraging comments have been like bees spreading around the pollen so that we could bear good fruit here in Vancouver. Please pray that John and I wil be good pollenizers and encourage others as well.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Back at GF Strong
Happily today John was discharged from VGH. The doctor seeing him there today is the one that heads up the diaphram pacing so we were able to ask a few questions. They are still waiting for someone else so the two surgeries could be done the same day. He said this would not happen before John goes to Powell River given that he is going in May. At least we now know what not to expect! They prefer to do the surgery when his care team is assembled so everyone can be taught together how to use the pacer. I think this past weekend was possbly the longest one. John is looking forward to getting to work tomorrow. By the time he got back today there was only time to touch base with his therapists and let them know he is back
Sunday, April 11, 2010
In Everything Give Thanks
This morning I awoke with a real attitude of dissatisfaction. I had a difficult night with a lot of neck and arm spasms that kept me awake. In the morning nothing that was done was right - at least as far as I was concerned. Then at 2pm Laverne and Pastor Ian arrived. Ian shared that what was wrong with our response to hard times is the inability to give thanks. Paul wrote in I Thessalonions 5:18 give thanks in all circumstances. Although this seems crazy it does work. Please pray that I regain a thankful heart as so many have done so much for me and are working hard to get me home.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Patience needed
Today was a bit frustrating for John. He really wants to be back at GF Strong where he has more access to be able to do things. We expect that he will go back Monday - please pray that he will have the patience he needs to wait for this. Today he was at least able to get out of his room and roam the hospital a bit. We went and visited his roommate from GF Strong who is also in VGH right now and hoping to get back to GF Strong at the beginning of the week. Then we went downstairs and checked his email and had a coffee-just like normal people.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Something More than Gold
This weekend I wil be staying at VGH because they don't like to transfer on the weekend. Monday I will be back at GF Strong. Laverne and I have been reading Psalm 119and today a verse stood out for me. The title is from an old children's song. In the song it says to know sins forgiven is something more than gold. Here in Psalm 119:72 The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold, I'm not sure but I seem to remember learning in Bible study in ancient days a thousand was used when something was uncountable. Once again I realize how fortunate I am to be able to take in God's Word. Pray we will all enjoy something more than gold.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Old Friends
VGH may not be the place I'd choose to be right now but if I have to be here then JP12 is the place to be. It was great knowing the staff when I came back. One thing that impressed me was they were all happy to see me but said they would rather the circumstances were different. Many different caregivers popped in to see me -it is nice to be wanted. Today I am going for a CT scan to see if there is a reason for these recurring infections. Hopefully I will be back to GF Strong by the beginning of the week.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New Wheels on the block
Even though I'm in VGH when I'd rather not be the Lord has arranged for interesting and useful things to happen. My motorized wheelchair is at GF Strong and because I am not going to be in that long I have a manual chair like an ordinary one except it tilts back. The chair they found is a bit too narrow for my athletic buildbut it will give us a sense of what a manual chair is like. All these wheels remind me of Jehu "he drives furiously". 2 Kings 9:20. I had better not do that as the walls come up to meet me too fast!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Condition improving slowly
The past two days have been very tiring but I left John ensconced in JP 12th floor in his usual room. He made it there at 8pm. His condition has improved but he is certainly not out of the woods. They are not sure what the problem is but since with antibiotics his situation has improved they are assuming it is an infection but from where they are not sure. Please pray that the doctors will have wisdom and that John will improve and be able to get back to GF Strong quickly.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Today John was not any better and is quite drowsy. The doctors at GF Strong decided John needed to go and have more tests done. As a consequence about 2pm we arrived at VGH Emergency. The emerg doc and internist have seen him so far but aren't really sure what is going on. Please pray they will have the wisdom and insight they need to accurately diagnose and treat John
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday
Today we had the privilege of attending church again. This time because it was the first Sunday of the month it included a bang up lunch. Laverne's parents wer there so it also made it a family gathering. As well infact, everyone at the table were people we know. Christ is risen! He is risen in deed! (Note from Laverne - please pray for John as he is not feeling great and we -including the doctor- are not sure why)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Rest is the key
Today was quiet at GF Strong. Many of the patients have a weekend pass for the holiday so there are few people around and not too many staff. John had a slow day mostly resting after yesterday and getting ready for tomorrow. Please pray for all those at GF Strong on this holiday weekend especially those who don't live in the lower mainland and whose families are far away
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday Brunch
Today we had an outing to Laverne's sister Marsha's place where we had a Good Friday Brunch with family and friends. They had built a ramp to go up into the house and it was clear sailing from there to the dining room. It reminded me of how often meals were mentioned in the gospels. The one I like the most is when Matthew gathered all his tax collector friends and they shared a meal with Jesus. The fellowship we shared together today was special.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Out and About
Today John and I along with the recreation planner and the OT went to the bus depot. A couple of others were supposed to go as well but ended up in the hospital instead. At the depot they had a couple of buses set aside for us to practice getting on and off as well as manouevring into the spots for wheelchairs and seeing how the tiedowns work. John managed to get both on and off the bus which is pretty amazing considering how tight the space is. I also managed to get him on the bus without going over an edge. Another important aspect was to see which of the two wheelchair spots works best for John's chair. The Handydart works great but managing on the bus means we could do something at the last minute if we wanted. John was pretty tired afterward. Please pray that we will use the time we have wisely.
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