Sunday, November 1, 2009

The ministers cat John marches on

After being in the emergency ward for over two and a half days a lot has been accomplished. My infection is being treated, I am on a special mattress and being turned regularly which is pretty amazing for such a busy ward as emergency, I am getting to know some of the nurses, my appetite has returned, I have a call bell I can work with my head and mouth suction within reach.
The next advance was the announcement that I am going to the respiratory ward when a bed is available. Please pray for a bed for me. This is the same ward that looks after patients with diaphragmatic pacers so getting on the ward early gives the staff a chance to know me and vice versa. This experience is summed up for me by Col 1"17 And he is before all things and in him all things hold together. Please pray this "all things" part will "hold together".


  1. It's good to hear the brightness in your voice again John,you gave all your blog readers a scare..

    We pray you get moved to the respiratory ward soon and things move ahead with mighty speed.

    Our prayers are with you and Laverne.
    Much Love,
    Gerry and Alma

  2. So glad to hear you are feeling better, praying for a bed for you. Hugs to you all

  3. Just caught up on reading your blog. Praying that a bed will come available soon and that you will continue to recover from your infections.

  4. I am so glad you are feeling a bit better. I am also so glad that you get to have that respiratory pacemaker. That is so cool. Nice rhyming in you title :)

    the minister cat is a "practical cat"
