As anyone who has travelled with John would know, the Minister's Cat is his favourite game for car trips. And, if you have ever played this game with him, you will know that his superior vocabulary makes him an expert. To play, one person starts by using a descriptive word to describe the 'minister's cat' beginning with a-z. This blog is dedicated to John, in order to update friends and family about his journey and provide areas of prayer.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Eating again
Today John had a swallow test which he passed without out difficulty. He had not been able to eat for over a week. He was quite happy and ate all his supper without any trouble whatsoever for which I am thankful. Please pray for John as he continues to be very tired.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Are we there yet?
As I was reading Psalm 139 today it struck me that God has a perfect GPS. He always knows where we are but often we do not! Our responses to him are varied e.g. when Abraham was told to go (Hebrews 11:8) "not knowing where he was going" - like the first day of school or change in house or job and he motivated his whole family to go with him. His father who was told to go stopped half way. I want to go all the way. Right now I am having memory shifts. Please pray I will find myself again. John
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Jesus is our Rock
Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer
my God, my rock, in who I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
John's prayer before I left him today comes from this verse. The thought was that Jesus is our rock and we have to build our hopes, our future, and our feelings on him. God doesn't change and he will keep us on an even keel in spite of our circumstances. John is still struggling with the side effects of some of his medications. Please pray that his feet will be firmly planted on the Rock as his doses for different meds are changed
my God, my rock, in who I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
John's prayer before I left him today comes from this verse. The thought was that Jesus is our rock and we have to build our hopes, our future, and our feelings on him. God doesn't change and he will keep us on an even keel in spite of our circumstances. John is still struggling with the side effects of some of his medications. Please pray that his feet will be firmly planted on the Rock as his doses for different meds are changed
Friday, November 27, 2009
Not Much Change
John's condition has not really improved. He is discouraged about this as it is keeping him from rehab. Please pray that we will be patient and that his condition will improve. It is a great concern as he has been at VGH for almost 3 weeks now. Thanks for all your prayers and concern.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Talking again
This evening before I left John's cuff was deflated on his trach. This means he can talk again which makes life so much easier. He had a temperature again this morning so the infectious disease doctor saw him but has no insights into what is happening. Please continue to pray as John's overall situation has not changed much.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Off Isolation, Visitors Allowed
John is off isolation. What a relief! He can now have visitors and nobody has to gown of mask. It was a much more pleasant visit today. John's progress is very slow. He still is very tired, however he is more awake than yesterday. My prayer comes from Isa 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. We don't have to fear knowing that God is with us to strengthen us.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Slow progress
Today John was a bit more awake than yesterday. He was wanting to communicate which he was not the least bit interested in doing yesterday. He also tolerated being up in his chair for four hours. Now it is a case of waiting for things to resolve. I am hopeful that by tomorrow he will be off isolation. Continue to pray that he will become more alert so he can have his cuff deflated and be able to eat, etc.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Back to a cuffed trach
For the past few days John's level of consciousness has decreased. Today, because he is not really awake his trach was changed back to a cuffed trach. This is to protect his airway. It will be changed back when he is more aware of what is happening around him. It also means he cannot talk but as he isn't communicating at present anyways it isn't an issue. He has not had a fever for a few days so they have also taken him off his antibiotics. Please pray that there will be a resolution to his level of consciousness.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
More of the same
Today John was not much changed from yesterday. In spite of being very tired he got up in his chair and was there for 2 hours and tolerated that well. Being in isolation is difficult. It is very hot as you must wear a gown, gloves, and mask. Pray for the nursing staff as they spend the most time with him. Also pray for the medical staff as they meet tomorrow that they would have wisdom in how to treat John. Today ones of the psalms we read was the 27th one. Ps 27:5 For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
No extra visiting at present
After not having a fever for a couple of days he spiked another temperature this morning. In spite of it being the weekend they have called in specialists. The infectious disease doctor was in to see him today. He ordered a lot of tests and until some of them come back his visitors are restricted to 2 designated visitors. This will probably be for quite a few days. Right now he is so tired he really doesn't want to see people anyways. Please continue to pray for healing for John and wisdom for the doctors.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Another tiring day
Today was not such a good day for John. His temperature has been down for 2 days now but he is very tired and they cannot figure out what is going on. He had a CT scan of his abdomen today without anything showing up. It is frustrating that nothing much has changed in the last week except his temperature is now normal. Please pray that we will continue to trust in the Lord as we travel this path he has laid out for us
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Chair at Last!
"Little man, you've had a busy day," my mother used to say when tucking me into bed after a particularly active day. It may be a quote but I can't remember from what. In the morning I had a nurse orienting on the vent and lots of physio as the physiotherapist was looking for my wheelchair, the object of a combined effort by the physio, occupational therapist and the charge nurse of the ward to borrow from GF Strong. It arrived by lunch and surprise, surprise after being offered a strictly manual chair what turned up was my own chair that was assigned to me at GF Strong. Shortly after lunch I with 6 assistants got set up in the chair. The OT and PT were there to adjust my headrest so my head points in the right direction. I was up for over an hour- I think you get the idea of my day. I remember this morning feeling bored and wondering if anything was going to happen, instead I found out that hospital life has many surprises, something I've also found out about my life and walk with God. Many times, though things seem tough my heart leaps up as Laverne comes in and shares the responses to yesterday's blog. I'm trying to say that your comments are an encouragement to me as you do the work of the Lord in the place where I am not. Pray that soon my wheelchair and occupant may return to GF Strong.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
John has stumped the doctors
Today we read from Isaiah 49 after we read MariAnn's comment on verses 14 & 15. The last half of verse 13 is also encouraging to me. 'the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted.' It is certain that John is having a trying time of it. Although he is not getting any worse he is also not getting any better. Today as I was leaving they were going to do a CT scan and see if they could come up with anything. Please pray that God will grant the doctors wisdom to understand what it going on with John. Please also pray that they will be able to get some sort of chair so that he doesn't have to stay in bed all day but can get up for at least short periods.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not Shrinking Back
Today was another quiet day for John as he still has a fever and is feeling very tired. I am working with the staff so that he can be more active. This takes a lot of effort on the ward he is on now because it is not staffed with auxiliary staff for patients like John the same way the spine unit it staffed. We are working hard at it and hope that he will soon be getting up rather than staying in bed all the time. As we were reading in Hebrews 10 & 11 the last verse of chapter 10 struck John. It says "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who have faith and preserve their souls". It was a reminder that we should not shrink back but have faith. We are certainly learning about what it means to have faith.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Encourage one another
Today was a quiet day for John. He enjoyed having communion with Ian which is always special for him. He is feeling very tired and has a fever. We were reading 1 Thessalonions 4&5 today. When I looked at it again this evening before writing the blog 1 Thess 5:11 jumped out at me. "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. " So many people have told us how encouraged they are by the blog and I must say that John and I have been so encouraged and built up by your prayers and comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Today I'd like to talk about setbacks. A setback in hospital rarely descends without warning. Yesterday they did various tests and x-rays. Once I hear a positive outcome report I immediately fill in the blanks with the thing that would made it a complete joy. As a result the next consultation brings with it a disappointment. Today I found out I have pneumonia and won't be going to GF Strong for a while which is disappointing news to everyone but a complete devastation to the castles in the air I had been building. So how do I go on from here? Proverbs 3:5,6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. I had spent all my time figuring out my best solution with only a few 'arrow' prayers for God to approve my solution. The problem wasn't that I had figured out my own solution but rather I had forgotten F.R.O.G. Fully rely on God - everywhere, every time, every place. Please pray that I don't leave God out of the picture. Love John
Saturday, November 14, 2009
More Tests
John has a low grade fever and so they did more tests today and repeated others. The fever and the tests have left him tired but more encouraged than yesterday. Tonight he found out that the chest X-ray showed he has some consolidation. We were praying that some test would help in diagnosing what the problem is for which I am thankful however I am disappointed with the diagnosis as it means he will not be going back to GF Strong on Monday. John and I were really looking forward to getting back there. Pray that we will have the patience to continue to persevere at VGH.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Today was a down day for John. He was a bit discouraged. He has not been up for a week now but in bed all day long. Also he is concerned that when they are ready to send him back to GF Strong their will not be a bed for him. We read Psalm 22 together and ended up talking about the last verse "They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn - for he has done it."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
It looks like I will stay in VGH until after the weekend. This is good as I will start off the week at GF Strong with physio, OT, assistive technology etc. The down side is that my bed at GF Strong may not be available in which case I would stay in VGH until a bed is available (maybe a week or two). Ps 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. Pray that there will be a bed for me when I am truly ready.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Going Out in Joy
Isa. 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Yesterday I experienced the joy of sharing God's words with visitors and staff. It makes me feel once again that God has placed me here for a reason. I still haven't fully grasped what the reason is but I know that it is what God wants and that it is "for God's renown" (vs. 13) and he will bring it to pass. I have no way of doing what God says he will perform when his word goes out. What I can do is send out his word which starts the ball rolling, where it stops only God knows. Please pray that I may send out his word trusting in God's faithfulness, not my own ability.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Solution to Dehydration
Today John had a procedure called a peg which is connected to his stomach and water can be put in to keep him hydrated without him having to spend so much time drinking. He tolerated that well and was eager to eat when he got back to the ward. We are still not too sure what the plan is for when he goes back to GF Strong so pray that we will have patience so that he goes back when he is healthy to do so
Monday, November 9, 2009
Respiratory Ward
I am thankful John is feeling better today. He is still on IV's but is eating and sounding a bit more like himself. Right now we are just taking things one step at a time and not trying to rush anything. The doctor who has a lot to do with the diaphragm pacer was his doctor today and told him that it looks like January is when it will be happening. We are hoping to hear more about the whole procedure. This is something to look forward to and also to pray that he will be healthly when he needs to be for that surgery. A prayer I have always liked which is not only for John but for so many of you who are praying for us is in Phil 1:3-6 I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Back in VGH
Today (late Sunday) as I write I can tell you that John is back in VGH in Jim Pattison 12700. These past few days he has not been feeling well and so today after another visit to emergency after one of the RT's who knew him from the spinal unit said that something wasn't right they decided to admit John rather than send him back to GF Strong. Fortunately the bed on Respiratory that he only left on Tuesday was made available for him. Because of bed switching and other factors he never made it up to the ward until 11pm. The verse that we shared in emergency while waiting was I Thess 1:3 We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Quiet Weekend
Today was a quiet day for John as it is the weekend. His niece, Melinda came in and practiced her newly acquired nursing skills and listened to his lungs and fed him his lunch. It was fun for John as he always has a soft spot for any student. Please continue to pray for John, his blood pressure and his fluid intake as this limits his ability to do other things at this point in time.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Another visit to emergency
John continues to have problems with his blood pressure and fluid intake. Because of this, this afternoon we made a trip to VGH emergency to get a couple of litres of IV fluid as they don't do IV's at GF Strong. By just after 10pm we were back at GF Strong and John was so happy to be back. They had saved his dinner for him so I fed him that and tucked him in for the night.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Taking the Time
Today I met and spoke with Crystal who was going to Capenwray Bible School in New Zealand when she fell off a bunk while sleeping and ended up in GF Strong. After we met Crystal we went back to the lunch room and met Nonie (Laverne's sister) and her husband who are on holidays on the coast for a couple of weeks. They both mentioned how nice it was to be quiet and take time together on the beach. Later today we expect to see Stephen (Laverne's brother) and Debbie his wife. Stephen is on sabbatical from his church and they have taken an opportunity to get away from the kids and spend time together praying. What a radical idea it would be if more churches gave their pastors and spouse time to spend together with the Lord Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A lovely messenger
The other day we had a visit from a friend from Powell River. She had passed on news of me being in GF Strong to her former pastor. Her pastor passed the information on to one of the church members who works here as a chaplain. In addition she brought news and a card and book from other friends in Powell River. The world says don't shoot the messenger and the Christian says love the messenger. It reminded me of Phil 2:19,20 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered when I receive news about you. I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Back to GF Strong
Thank you every one who prayed. John is back at GF Strong. I had a phone call this morning to say he would be going back. At 2pm he was loaded into the back of an ambulance with the Respiratory Therapist and her student as well as the paramedic. I was able to ride in the front of the ambulance. The staff were very happy to see John back but he is very tired after three nights in emergency and the last night on the ward an alarm kept going off. I am looking forward to spending tomorrow with John at GF Strong and seeing how the programs all work.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A short blog
Thank you all for praying. Late this afternoon John was transferred from the emergency department to the respiratory floor. After spending three very noisy nights in emergency he now has a private room and it is right by the nursing station. He is on the 12th floor of the Jim Pattison Pavilion and has a lovely view of the fall colours. I am thankful the he continues to improve-today the IV was discontinued except for IV antibiotics.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The ministers cat John marches on
After being in the emergency ward for over two and a half days a lot has been accomplished. My infection is being treated, I am on a special mattress and being turned regularly which is pretty amazing for such a busy ward as emergency, I am getting to know some of the nurses, my appetite has returned, I have a call bell I can work with my head and mouth suction within reach.
The next advance was the announcement that I am going to the respiratory ward when a bed is available. Please pray for a bed for me. This is the same ward that looks after patients with diaphragmatic pacers so getting on the ward early gives the staff a chance to know me and vice versa. This experience is summed up for me by Col 1"17 And he is before all things and in him all things hold together. Please pray this "all things" part will "hold together".
The next advance was the announcement that I am going to the respiratory ward when a bed is available. Please pray for a bed for me. This is the same ward that looks after patients with diaphragmatic pacers so getting on the ward early gives the staff a chance to know me and vice versa. This experience is summed up for me by Col 1"17 And he is before all things and in him all things hold together. Please pray this "all things" part will "hold together".
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