1. We watched the beginning of the Tommy Douglas Story, Prairie Giant and it was an eye opener to see a committed Christian get involved in public service (politics). For me it was even more thought provoking as I lay in my hospital bed benefiting from the medical plan that Tommy Douglas pioneered.
2. Escape! Yes, today I escaped from my room and with a team wandered the corridors of Centennial Pavilion ninth floor, saw a picture of the staff at their Christmas party (it is hard to recognize them when they're not wearing scrubs). Over by the elevators I saw the picture of Tom and Linda who donated to the Spinal Unit- Powell River is everywhere!
Hi John, glad to hear you're up and about your old haunts. I read your favorite food was peanut butter. That would always gum up things for me. Laverne will fill you in on our Bible Study. The group was reminising about their history. You have always been an inspiration to us.