Friday, October 23, 2009

The danger of jumping to conclusions

Yesterday I heard that my doctor wanted me to do my rescue breathing without any oxygen. My numbers had been in the 5-8 minute range and when I did the first test on room air it was under 2 minutes. Then I spent the night thinking bad thoughts about Dr T. The next morning Dr T. came to see me and explained that the nature of the test had changed and I am now trying to fit the muscle movements I can make with the pacer for the diaphragm I hope to receive and he was not concerned about the shortness of the test but in training my muscle to work in partnership with the pacer. This entirely changed my outlook about the tests and the doctor.
I wonder how many times I have read a Bible verse and jumped to conclusions about what it means?


  1. hi john and laverna... I tried leaving a cheeky comment last night and then blogspot crashed:) so I just wanted to say hi and I had to laugh at your entry tonight john... we all jump to conclusions... thank you for reminding us:)

    blessings, sharon

  2. in the end it is the Lord who makes all things possible.
    "Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise" prov. 19:20

    I guess you are in the student role right now and just have to do what they tell you, you may not understand all and that may make you a bit frustrated (what do they know about this stuff any way), but the doctors know exactly where they are going (and if they don't, God knows)

    God totally knows where He is going with all this as well. Aren't we told to take one day at the time and not to try to run ahead of things?

    I love it when the Lord teaches and when I see that I was not really sitting at His feet learning and waiting until He was done teaching, but just heard one word, got up and thought I knew it all. Gently He pulls me back and tells me to just wait and find out the rest of it. I should just do the little things that He has me do and not worry about the end result.

    I am so glad that you are sharing with us and showing us a little bit of the struggles that you are going through and the thoughts that come with it. It makes faith real.
    I know that your faith is really strong, but reading these things make faith come alive to me

    Thank you
