Saturday, October 31, 2009

Admitted back

John has been admitted to VGH. This does not mean he has a bed. There are very few ventilator beds. He is not admitted to the spine unit as that is not his problem at the moment. He has a urinary infection and probably a chest infection as well. Please pray that as he spends his second night in emergency that he will get the care he needs (his brother Robin is spending the night with him so I can get some sleep) and also that he will get a bed soon. My prayer is from Ps. 25:6 Remember O Lord, Your compassion and Your loving kindnesses, For they have been from of old

Back to VGH

Yesterday John was not well and was sent back to VGH. He spent the day and night in emergency and this morning they have decided to admit him. He was dehydrated and they have started him on antibiotics.Please pray for him as he is not feeling well. I will write more later today

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Walk Continued

I realized later that my life belonged to Christ because on that night when I decided to go to Bible study I nade the decision to try one more time. When I accepted he rescued my from my depression. Before I was afraid to talk to people because I couldn't"t be sure what they thought of me. After I accepted Christ I realized that since God accepted me it didn't really matter what others thought of me. Through the years God has used me in Bible study and speaking, both skills that started with the group where I became a Christian but in my life I took little thought that God owned it. I was doing a lot of Christian things on my own. Then on August 17th 2009 it was as if God called in his markers. When I awoke on the Spinal Step down Unit I realized my life had changed dramatically. Rather than blame God I view this new life as an opportunity to serve him wholeheartedly. Each day I wake excited about what God is doing in my life. Please pray that I will continue to life my life wholehearted for God. 1 Cor 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The start of my walk with Jesus

When I first went to university I suffered from severe depression so much so that I dropped out but came back the next year determined to do better. By January I was falling back into depression so one night I was contemplating ending it all but decided to take one more chance. Early in September a Christian group had come round the dorm with a questionnaire and an invitation to a Bible study. I remembered the guy on my floor who had invited me and so I took courage and knocked on his door and asked if I could go to the Bible study he had invited me to. He said "sure it is in the main lounge." Another challenge to my courage as everyone entering my dorm went right past the lounge but I went. We sang hymns and played games and then divided into Bible study groups. This study had been going for 3 weeks and so I missed the studies on salvation and accepting Christ so things went along smoothly until the study on the Lordship of Christ. One of the questions asked what areas of your life have you turned over to Jesus and I realized that I had not turned anything over to him so I knelt by my bed and accepted Christ more (to follow tomorrow) 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone the new has come!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

GF Strong

Today John left VGH for the first time in over two months. He was transferred to GF Strong Hospital in the morning. By 3pm many members of his new care team had come to introduce themselves and help him understand how they fit into his care plan. After he was set up in bed had had measurements taken for the wheelchair for him there. It takes 4 hours to set up a chair for him and since the hospital just had 3 new admissions he doesn't expect a chair until at least tomorrow. Just after they set him up with a call bell the assistive technology people came by and set up his TV so he could control it using "sip and puff". Sip and puff is done into a special 'straw' and is how he can control his environment, turn off lights, use the phone etc., as well as drive his wheelchair. Please pray for John as I (Laverne) am back in PR for a few days. Also pray for his adjustment to new staff and expectations a GF Strong. Pray for those from the step down unit staff that he affected. Our verse for today in Phil 3:14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
PS GF Strong is at Laurel and 26th close to Oak St. If you are visiting you access it off King Edward(25th) turning north onto Laurel St.. Visiting hours are 12 to 8.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How Great is Our God

Phil 2:13 God is working in you. He wants your plans and your acts to be in keeping with his good purpose.This was the verse John was reflecting on for the past day. It was the verse he immediately thought of after he had figuratively picked himself up off the floor when he was informed that he is to go to GF Strong Rehab tomorrow. John's plans were that it would probably be at least a month of waiting before he would get to go, obviously that was not God's plans.We are so excited that he is able to go so soon. The verse that came to my mind was Eph 3:20 God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. He does everything by his power that is working in us. I could not have imagined that John would get into rehab so soon.

On another note John also had his nerve test today and it was successful. This means he will progress to the next stage in the possibility of having a diaphragm pacer. We will keep you posted as to what happens next with that when we find out ourselves.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kids Club

Kelly Creek Kids Club comes to VGH. As I said before Gerry and Alma brought the cards from Kids Club to my hospital room. Laverne used her decorating skills to put them up on my wall. They immediately became a topic of conversation with the staff asking how I got so many homemade cards. This gave me an opportunity to tell them about Kids Club especially the teaching sessions about God. I also told about how the community school and the church share facilities and that blew their minds. I also got to tell them about BC Hydro putting in 2 free street lights so kids from kids club could safely cross the street from the church to the gym. One batch of cards allowed me to start several Bible conversations. Isa. 11:6d and a little child will lead them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a personal care aide and we were talking about names and she was called by a diminutive of her name. To many she was just a personal care aide responsible for washing me every morning and feeding me my meals if Laverne wasn't there. She came from India where rich people still have servants and diminutives like Johnny (vs John) are used only for children or servants. Without people realizing it they used a name that really bothered her. Imagine my surprise to learn she was a RN in her own country and was working on an exam to become registered in Canada. I think God is trying to teach me not to jump to conclusions (see yesterday) and the value he places on each and every one of us. Matt 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Friday, October 23, 2009

The danger of jumping to conclusions

Yesterday I heard that my doctor wanted me to do my rescue breathing without any oxygen. My numbers had been in the 5-8 minute range and when I did the first test on room air it was under 2 minutes. Then I spent the night thinking bad thoughts about Dr T. The next morning Dr T. came to see me and explained that the nature of the test had changed and I am now trying to fit the muscle movements I can make with the pacer for the diaphragm I hope to receive and he was not concerned about the shortness of the test but in training my muscle to work in partnership with the pacer. This entirely changed my outlook about the tests and the doctor.
I wonder how many times I have read a Bible verse and jumped to conclusions about what it means?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Visitors & Update

Cards Galore
Today I was visited by Gerry and Alma from Powell River who brought me cards from Kelly Creek Kids Club. The cards now decorate my room and are a conversation piece. Last year our attendance was 12-16. Last week was the first meeting this year and attendance was 23.
Blast from the Past
In 1993 our family spent a year in Kenya. Katie attended Tichie Swot in grade 5 at Rift Valley Academy. The school principal was Mark Buhler from Campbell River. Imagine our surprise when he turned up to visit this afternoon. We shared an update on RVA and our families. Mark is in Vancouver for another month until he goes back to Kenya so we can expect further visits. Yeah!
Update on my status
1. I am now officially on the list to go to GF Strong. There are only 2 beds for ventilators so I will get to go when a ventilator bed becomes available and when I am at the top of the list
2. Nerve tests for diaphragm pacing will be Monday morning. This test will be the first one done in a hospital room in VGH. If I fail this one they will give me another one in the usual place-the Diamond Centre just across the road from VGH. If I qualify in these tests I will be able to breathe normally without a ventilator

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thinking Things Through

Today I had an extended talk with the main doctor on my case this week. We didn't talk about my case at all instead we discussed research in lung medicine and as far abroad as the binary system that makes computers work. At no time did I lose sight of the fact that Dr S. was my doctor and this reminded me that I can broaden my relationships with others beyond just sharing the gospel. Another example, this morning I shared a little adolescent psychology with my personal care giver who is having trouble with a stepdaughter. 1 Corinthians 10:31b whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Two eventful happenings

1. We watched the beginning of the Tommy Douglas Story, Prairie Giant and it was an eye opener to see a committed Christian get involved in public service (politics). For me it was even more thought provoking as I lay in my hospital bed benefiting from the medical plan that Tommy Douglas pioneered.
2. Escape! Yes, today I escaped from my room and with a team wandered the corridors of Centennial Pavilion ninth floor, saw a picture of the staff at their Christmas party (it is hard to recognize them when they're not wearing scrubs). Over by the elevators I saw the picture of Tom and Linda who donated to the Spinal Unit- Powell River is everywhere!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sharing Jesus

This morning I was visited by the pastor of my sister-in-law's church. Ian came and we shared the Lord together. First of all we told stories about baptisms-they just got a new baptismal water heating system, then Ian shared his message on Jude (It doesn't have very many verses) from Sunday morning. Then he brought communion to me and after that we prayed. It reminds me once again that it is not the place (church or hospital) but the heart of the believer and the presence of the Holy Spirit that allows us to share together. Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

2 months and starting to get bored

After I realized I had been here for two months I began to get bored. The blog has occupied my time and I really enjoy reading the responses (Please give your name so I know who is writing). For the first time last night I began to feel bored and wondering what I ought to be doing. I had been making up a movie in my head when my nurses came in to give me a turn. As I shared with them my plans for the movie one of them asked me if I couldn't make up a skit for their Christmas party. In an instant what had been an idle occupation became a real job. Praise the Lord! Matthew 6:33 (New International Version) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things (including a skit to write) will be given to you as well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Another Milestone

Laverne reminded me today that it has been two months since my accident. Two months of twenty-four hour care with a team of doctors along with other health care professionals sorting out my instabilities on a ventilator. I thank God daily for Canadian Heath Care. I can't imagine what it would be like to live a couple of hundred miles south. It is interesting that the person who promoted health care was an evangelical preacher Tommy Douglas. I thought of Luke 10:27 the greatest commandment according to Jesus 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind': and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' I am thankful for all those loving me and looking after me

Friday, October 16, 2009

Working Together as One Person

Toward morning I had a bit of a disaster which required a lot of work and the changing of my whole bed. Once again I was impressed with the team work of the staff or as Paul puts it 'they work together as on person" with a purpose of caring for me. Again I have been excited to see the churches in Powell River also work together as one person. Paul goes one to say " And I will know that you work to spread the teachings of the good news." Phil 1:27c. I was excited to hear that Glacier Park Fellowship is calling a pastor and I am convinced that all the Christians in Powell River will get behind and support him in getting started. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Being New Again

It seems amazing that it has been only two days since I started to eat again. Things are settling down into a routine. In the morning my breakfast arrives just before 9am. I wait for Laverne who arrives just after 9. It's strange to have to wait and have to depend upon someone else to feed me. Deb W. said it reminded her of when her children were learning to eat and it is humbling but true. It reminds me of the first Bible verse I memorized after becoming a Christian. 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! It is like being new all over again as a Christian as I have to be trusting more in God as all my own resources are gone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Very Busy Day

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Today was a big day for John. He started off by having his first breakfast in 8 weeks. He had barely finished breakfast when the physiotherapist came to do range of motion exercises and breathing exercises. After that he had a session of rescue breathing. For this they took John off the ventilator and he breathes on his own for as long as he can tolerate. This was his first time and he was able to breathe for 2 minutes. This is so if anything happened to his ventilator he would know that he could breathe on his own for a few minutes until help came. The respiratory therapist said it does not mean that he will be coming off the ventilator, but only that he could manage for a few minutes on his own if he had to. We had a few minutes before his lunch came. After this was a family conference with some of the health care staff. This meeting was held in the social worker's office and was the first time John had been out of his room since he got to the Step-down unit. As soon as our meeting was over our friends Patricia and Dietmar came and John got a badly needed hair cut. He had a little rest and then his supper came. After supper my dad and sister came to visit. When we left at 7:30 he was most excited because his evening snack had come it was a peanut butter sandwich which is his very favourite.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Food, glorious food

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today was a big day for John. He had his swallow test today. This consisted of trying to eat a number of foods of different consistencies. They were all dyed blue. After he had these to eat his lungs were then suctioned to see if there was any blue in his lungs. He passed the test with flying colours. This means his naso-gastric (feeding) tube came out of his nose. Was he ever happy! I was able to feed him lunch and supper. He was so eager to eat that even hospital food tasted great to him. Pray that he will be careful especially when he is drinking so that it doesn't go into his lungs.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Monday, October 12, 2009
Ps. 136:1 Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. As I read this psalm this morning I saw Israel giving thanks for all God had done for them. I, too want to give thanks.
Give thanks to the most powerful God of all who kept me alive through my accident.
Give thanks to God who is always there even during the night and when I wake and think of my situation. He is always there to lift my spirit and reassure me that his way is perfect Ps. 19.
This is a good day to give thanks. He is a rock for all those who trust in him Ps. 138:8
Don't stop now!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

God is Faithful

Sunday, October 11, 2009
When I first came to the hospital Laverne and I celebrated our 32nd anniversary. Yesterday Pat and Bob Lewis visited as they were down for two weddings, two young couples starting out. When the vows were said 32 years ago or this weekend we meant them with all our hearts but we don't know what is going to happen. For Laverne and I the past two months have been a big alteration but the vows remain. Before I got married when I accepted Christ as Lord his promise was to always be with me and that too has happened, God is faithful. God, Laverne and I will go through this together even though Laverne and I don't know where we are going, we both trust God and he does know the future. I John 3:2

Saturday, October 10, 2009

More on Visitors

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Yesterday was an exciting day. I had several surprise guests that really encouraged my heart. Irene Sheih and some of her church family came along with a pastor from India and prayed for me and anointed me with oil. James 5:14 Suddenly the hospital room transformed and I was back in the first century with believers coming together out of love to pray for one who is sick. Later in the day two Navigator friends Nan & Alex came to take Laverne for dinner. Alex brought his clarinet and gave us a concert. As usual I was worried about the noise on the ward but my nurse shared that everybody on the ward had enjoyed it and wished he would come every week. Another friend from years ago, Bill Lee also showed up. We were able to share our hearts together. WOW! What a day of visitors.
I know lots of people are reluctant to visit people in the hospital but if you only do it a few time you can get over the reluctance and what a blessing you can be.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Virtual Visitors

Friday, October 9,2009
The room across from me seems always filled with visitors, yet it struck me last night that I get many visitors as well. Each one of you who reads my blog has paid me a virtual visit, but maybe you are like me and you don't know what to do or say on a hospital visit. Allow me to make some suggestions.
1. Talk about patient's current condition (comment on the blog)
2. Talk about your situation
3.Share prayer requests
4. Pray
Share the blog address with anyone and fill my room with virtual visitors

II Cor. 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

He leads me beside still waters Ps.23:2b

Thursday, October 8, 2009
That's the way it feels today. Everything is going well and I feel great like I'm beside the still waters-now is the most dangerous time. When things are going bad and I have shortness of breath, alarms going on and staff running everywhere there is no difficulty in looking to the Lord to direct my paths but when I am sitting beside the still waters, listening to the brook, feeling the gentle breeze then the temptation is great to take control and lean on my own understanding. Pray for me that beside still waters and green pastures I will still acknowledge the Lord is my Shepherd.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm lying in my bed and suddenly my body has a mind of its own, my body has got some stimulation and is trying to send a message to my head. Because my head didn't get a message my body reacts on its own and it over reacts. I was thinking about this in terms of the church. Col 1:18 says And he is the head of the body, the church. We need to be connected to our head, if not we can continue to be the body but our reactions will be from ourselves rather than controlled by the Spirit. We need to pray that all our churches are indeed connected to the head.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Picture in the Night

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Last night in preparation for getting a cuffless trach (so I could talk all the time). I had to wait until 1am before they inflated the trach cuff. As a result I lay in bed thinking and I came up with a picture that started with the greatest commandment Deut 6:5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Suddenly I saw this as a flower on a seed package and then I thought of what happens when you turn the seed package over. There are the instructions on where to plant it, how deep, how close, in or out of the sun etc. That connected in my mind with the 10 commandments e.g. you shall have no other gods before me is like saying don't plant the seed with another, remember the Sabbath day-give God space in your life. Somehow the 10 commandments took on a new light as I thought of them in terms of enabling us to carry out the greatest commandment. No longer are they restrictions on what we should or should not do but rather directions on how to carry out the love that God commands

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eagles' Wings Isa. 40:31

Monday, October 5, 2009
Yup, I woke up this morning on eagles' wings, everything was going great, each staff member that came in wanted to talk about how we were going to advance. I got up in the wheelchair without my neck brace and they are talking about changing my trach to one that will enable me to eat. I was ready to go and then I sat in my chair for four hours and Laverne wasn't going to be here until 4pm. It gave me time to think of Isa. 40:31 31 those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. It brought me back to the condition for soaring i.e. that we wait upon the Lord

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Sabbath

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. For the most part the church has replaced the Sabbath with Sunday and consider it a day of rest. I remember my father telling me about getting into trouble for going out Sunday afternoon to play soccer with some of the boys. He might have got away with it except he sang in the church choir and missed the practice. Today we are not as strict in sabbath rules which really leaves it up to each person as to how they keep the sabbath. I find the hospital regime to aid considerably to keeping the sabbath. Sunday they let us rest up for all they plan for us to do on Monday. I'm hoping to make it a habit that will continue after a leave the hospital. Please pray for me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

He shall make your paths straight

Saturday, October 3, 2009
The title is a modern translation of he shall direct thy paths and yesterday was a prime example. I had a crisis in the morning and Laverne and the health care staff were very concerned but I snapped out of it in the afternoon. Today I have had no problems whatsoever. At first glance the path seems very crooked but this morning we were realizing that having seen me through a crisis, and today not having one, Laverne could go home with confidence that I would be okay. Please pray for me over the next couple of days that Laverne and I will be apart.

Friday, October 2, 2009

He Shall Direct Your Paths

Friday, October 2, 2009
Today did not turn out as I expected. It all began innocently enough with my cuff deflation and speaking valve. The next thing I remember I was conscious but not really there. Apparently my blood pressure and then my blood sugar went down. After coming through that I was able to get up in the wheelchair for an hour and then went back to bed and had another go with the cuff and valve which was just great because I had visitors from PR. Craig and Sherry came to see me and brought greetings from Westview Baptist Church. You ought to see the card they brought-it is perfect for the minister's cat.
It seemed like a very odd path to take today but like Proverbs 3:5-6 says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. So I am not in charge of the direction, my job is to trust.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Future Expections

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Today was the 60th anniversary of GF Strong Rehab Hospital. My sister Marsha and I (Laverne) spent two and a half hours on a tour of the facility. This is where John will graduate to when he leaves VGH. They have a lot of different therapies as they work with a wide variety of patients. There is a gym for wheelchair sports and a weight room as well as a pool for therapy. I sat in a wheelchair and they lifted me in a hoist onto the exercise mat. This is a hoist similar to the one that is used to lift John into the wheelchair every day. There is a room of assisted technology where I played solitaire on the computer using a hat with reflective tape that activated the mouse. John will be on the second floor where all the spinal patients live. (They work on the first floor.)