Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It has been over a week since we last blogged. This is partly because John has been very tired. He has managed to make it to church and to make appointments but not much else. He also lost his appetite and some weight as well. We are thankful that his good appetite has returned. Please pray for John that during this time when he is feeling so tired that his confidence “that he who began a good work in (him) will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ “ Phil 1:6


  1. Praying John's appetite for food stays strong. Also that the two of you can take it easy and look forward to the holidays together.

    The fruit of the spirit is love, joy and peace.
    - Galatians 5:22
    May the joy of life surround you. With Love
    Alexa and Don

  2. We pray God fills you up John with His strength and you continue to feel better and your appetite remains good..

    The weather is not all that great to be travelling around anyway, it is cold and rainy!!!

    Gerry and I went to the cenotaph this morning and there was a large crowd...Nice to see everyone come out for such an important event..

    We pray you continue to feel well, God bless you and Laverne always...
