Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home For Good

I came home yesterday and had a great afternoon sitting under the trees with the warm temperature. Today is a continuation of yesterday. Please pray I will keep on feeling better every day so I can stay home but remember no matter what happens - we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rom 8:28


  1. How wonderful to hear that you finally made it home. I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to be in the outdoors again and enjoy the beauty of nature, and being in the place where you feel best.

    I remember having been in the hospital a few times (giving birth to "some" children and some surgeries)and after spending some time there and coming home, driving into the driveway and seeing all that lushious green and the beautiful flowers, my body would just about burst with thankfulness and gratefulness to the One who had created such beauty.
    And I would feel I had to fill my lungs as much as they could expand to take in the wonderful clean air and clean them out from the hospital stale air.

    And just being home again where I could really be myself and relax.
    Oh John, I can only imagine how wonderful it is for you having been away for so long.

    I am wishing you all the best and will keep you in my prayers, that the Lord will grant you many wonderful days there

  2. Good morning:

    Home is Jesus. Glad you are there.

  3. Sigh of contentment, song of praise. So happy for you all.
    Deb and family

  4. Those of us who are out of town and can't "pop" in to see you would love some new pic's. Seeing how the "barn" has transformed into your home would be neat.
