Monday, June 28, 2010


Today we learned again that each day we never know what it going to happen. This afternoon while we were talking with John’s case manager I had a phone call from the person who is doing the training for John’s ventilator. He was phoning from Sechelt and his car was being towed back. He was supposed to be doing the training tonight so that session will have to be moved. We are still having the sessions tomorrow so no one will be in to see John. Please pray for John as he spends tomorrow on his own.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Day of Prayer

Today was a day of prayer. When I woke up I just felt the warmth of God in my heart. Next when the physio therapist came to give me chest care Laverne and Maria left for church and I was thankful they were getting to go. I always like it because Laverne takes good notes and can remember what is going on in the service. When they got back I had my lunch and then the Catholic choir came. We sang mostly songs of praise and thanksgiving with a subtheme on the Trinity. While Laverne held the hymnbook for me I tried to sing but as I was very dry they got mostly squeaks from me!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back to ECU

Today was a better day for John. He had a restful night in ICU and when the doctor came in this morning he told John he could go back to ECU after a few tests. It turned out that he made it back by just after 3. He was happy to be back where the nurses know him and he knows the other residents as well. Please continue to pray the antibiotics will stop this infection in its tracks and we are still on track for going home.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Back in ICU

Today when I got to ECU John had a fever. The doctor did tests and in the afternoon when the results were back started him on antibiotics. Around 5pm he wouldn't respond and so they had to call the ambulance. Of course he got into the ambulance and woke up immediately, however he went to emergency and from there was transferred to ICU. Please pray these antibiotics will be effective and the he will recover quickly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Resting at Home

We had another wonderful day. Two of John's caregivers, John and myself spent the afternoon out at the house. It was so wonderful to just be there for an afternoon. We met my brother who was over for the day and some other friends dropped around. Please pray that we will get everything done so John can start coming home for overnights next week.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can't Keep Him In

Today was a busy day for John. He seemed to have people doing things with him the whole morning from 8am on, In spite of this he was anxious to get out and see something different in the afternoon. We went to Starbucks as he had a gift coupon and then to my parents and had a nice visit. Please continue to pray for John's chest as he is needing increased suctioning - never fun. Also pray as we think about how his discharge from ECU is going to look

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Being Comforted

Matthew 5:4 Blessed are the sad for they will be comforted. It's a strange feeling but the more I feel good and the more active I become the more I feel sad (mourn-KJV)
When I was really sick I was glad for anything I could do but now I begin to notice all the things I cannot do. The promise contained in this beatitude, that I will be comforted is a great message for me. Please pray that I will be able to find comfort from the Lord and that I will feel more than compensated for the things I have lost

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam

Today was a day full of sunshine and warmth. We went out to visit the barn and see some new materials put in. As we sat in the car and outside for the first time it was warm. It reminded me of Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. As far as I can remember it was the first song I learned at church. I always sensed the call on our lives to represent Jesus in a good light. First of all we are to represent the shining of Jesus so others can warm up to that light. Secondly we are to be lights where ever we are and what ever we do. Even as a child I understood the privilege we had that Jesus wanted us to be his sunbeams and it is a job even for children. Now that I'm grown I'm back to the same calling - to be a sunbeam and shine forth. Please pray that I'll be able to answer that call and thank the Lord that he has given me a calling from himself.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Great is God's Faithfulness

"There is no shadow of turning with Thee". I'm encouraged by the fact that even as I have so many changes, you might even call them setbacks God reassures me there is no shadow of turning with him ie He never goes back on his promises and always fulfils his Word. Today Laverne, Maria-my live-in caregiver and I went out to our house, the one we will be living in-usually known as the barn. When you open the doors (for those who knew it from before) it has been completely altered to fit my needs from the bathroom with a roll-in shower to the storage cupboards under the stairs. All is being made ready for when I return home. This is a real testimony to the faithfulness of friends and I also see it as an example of God keeping him promises.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The goal is Home

John continues to slowly get stronger. He has been enjoying visits from different ones but his focus is on getting home - he can hardly wait. ECU is only a stepping stone. Please pray that he will have patience needed in this waiting time and that his health will continue to improve. We are blessed to have so many people who have been willing to help prepare our place so John can go home.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Although John wasn't up to writing the blog today when asked what it should be on he said Sunshine. He is more tired right now which I think is a side effect of one of his meds that should right itself in a day or two. We are also thankful his blood pressure is starting to come down. This afternoon we enjoyed the sunshine as we walked around outside in the garden and greenhouse at ECU. There is also sunshine at mealtime as the fellows at John's table talk and joke with one another. Please pray for a continued improvement in John's health.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Equipment pre-approval

Yesterday we received a letter that most of the funding for John's wheelchair has come through. Please pray with us as we decided what to do about those items that are not covered - some would have been nice but not necessary. We need wisdom to decide if some are really necessary. It is exciting after all this waiting to think we can finally order the wheelchair. Also continue to pray for John's health as he is not 100% yet.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Out of ICU

Today when I got back from lunch John and all his things were packed and he was ready to go back to ECU. Thank you for all your prayers. Things have not totally resolved but he is improving which is the main thing. He was very happy to get back where there is more interaction. He is also looking forward to having a pass and going to see what is happening at the barn. He can hardly wait to get home.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Comfort I Need

Matt. 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. When do we find our closest relationship to God? When we are prosperous and successful or when we are poor in spirit? For the past week I have struggled with being poor in spirit and yet I think I have been drawn closer to God than all the wooks before that. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter in John's gospel because he reassures us of God's love when we don't feel it. Paul in Romans 8:26 explains the condition of the poor in spirit when he says we don't know what we should pray for. That's the time the Holy Spirit comes along and prays for what is best. Continue to pray for me that I will listen to the Holy Spirit and pray in God's will not in my own discouragement. As Laverne and I look to God for encouragement pray that we may see the answers to our prayers and indeed enjoy and experience the kingdom of heaven one earth. Thank you all for praying.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight. I lost the battle of trusting today. Things are quite difficult as I hear things and feel things not there. Just before supper we read Psalm 62 which pointed out to trust God is the safe thing to do because he has determined the outcome. This is better than trusting other things. There seems to be one roadblock after another getting home. Please pray with Laverne and I that we would trust in God and leave the getting home to God

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still in ICU

John remains in ICU at this time. He is baffling the doctors as they know something is wrong but they cannot figure out what the problem is. At first they thought it was a bacterial infection but all the cultures and blood work show that it isn't so they think perhaps a viral infection but really are not sure. Please pray for John to improve as well as for wisdom for the doctors to know how to treat him

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Living in Unity

Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity! This verse catches the essence of dwelling together - over the internet where we can have instantaneous conversation with other people. I know it is not as good as getting together but so often our houses have become fortresses and people are separated by soundproof walls. When we go out we go in our cars and in restaurants are isolated from others. I have found through writing the blog I have people sharing their hearts – even people I don’t know. I have people tell me it is an opportunity for them to share their thoughts and to really think about things. I know I am inspired by the responses to my blog as they expand the scope of what I said. Thank you bloggers for sharing – you never know who you are helping.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Smooth Road

It has been a joy for me to write it as I share with you the ups and downs of my recovery. Believe it or not we are closer than ever to getting into our house. I have a new driveway that reminds me of the smooth road spoken of in the Bible. I like to think of it as my straight path to recovery – Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. I imagine there will be a few bumps along the way but with God receiving all of our prayers the bumps will not stop the advance.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not Much Change

John's condition has not changed much in the past day. The doctor still does not know the site of the infection. On the good side he does have a good appetite and is eating well. Please continue to pray with us. We were praying from Psalm 50:15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me." We are looking forward to being able to gloriy him.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Slow Improvement

Today John is a bit brighter and was able to take a little bit of food. This is encouraging. In spite of this his blood work has not improved. Please pray the doctors will have wisdom in treating John. Today I was reading from Psalm 46 The Lord is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. It seems like this is a time of trouble for us and it is comforting to know there is a refuge.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quiet day in ICU

John spent a quiet night in ICU. He will be here for awhile as he needs more care than ECU can give him right now. We both realize this is the best for John while he is not feeling well as he just needs to rest and gather up strength to get better. I was becoming anxious as this is the first time John has been very sick when we don’t have all the specialists that Vancouver has to offer. I was thinking that I didn’t know enough and didn’t know what to do when I was reminded that I didn’t need to know everything but God was in charge. He can guide and direct in ways that I can’t and that is such a relief.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Admitted to PRGH

For the past few days, although John has been up and about he has not been his usual bright self. Today whe his doctor saw him he wanted him to see the specialist and so this afternoon he wheeled over to emergency. Tonight he was admitted to ICU with what is probably an infection. The blessing is the ICU nurse on tonight was the one that took the ventilator training so I am going home to sleep. Yeah!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Progress on the Barn

Today we had lunch after church at our house and it was good to see how things are progressing. Everything was taken out for painting and two nerw closets are built in so we now have more storage space. It was good to get out and see what is going on. Please pray for all those working at our place as the.y give of their time

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rest Day

Today is a peaceful day of rest – finally! We had a great visit from a couple from our church but very little in the way of hospital business. The weather is nice and we went outside where we can pick up the internet and it is good to see all the comments to the blog. Pro 25:25 Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I arrived home from Vancouver with a renewed sense of the value of chest physio and independent breathing trials. The first is important to clear up the secretions from my lungs and the physio here is coming in 6 days a week to do the chest physio. I have already noticed the difference in my lungs but I need also to concentrate on independent breathing. This would keep me alive if something went drastically wrong with my machine. It reminds me once again of the need for spiritual breathing mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture in God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. I need to get back to reading my Bible which I can do on my computer.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Trip to Vancouver

Today we had an eventful trip to Vancouver. Unfortunately the test for the phrenic nerve was a failure but we got to see the doctor and many of the nurses from the floor I was on. We also got some valuable help from the OT. This is the best day this week for travelling, sunny and bright. Please pray that we will handle the disappointment of the phrenic nerve test and benefit from the other consults we were able to make. A big highlight for us was seeing Katie again along with Marsha, Andy, and Melinda

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prep Day

Today is a preparation for a trip to Vancouver tomorrow. I had my tracheotomy change a day early by a student who is working with my doctor. I also had a bath and a day of mostly resting. Tomorrow the trip to Vancouver is going to be down and back in one day. I am having some tests as well as meeting the OT and doc. Pray for safety on the trip, that we make all the ferries and energy for the big day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yesterday we wrote about finding a live-in caregiver and my thoughts are mainly about getting into our house and establishing a routine of activities. I wonder about what I will be able to do and how I will fill my days. I think that my computer will allow me to study the Bible and read books as well as access the internet. It’s rather frustrating right now as I cannot access the internet from the hospital. I am very thankful for all the work that is being done at the house. I am getting a new driveway put in for the cost of the materials. There are many others that are working on renovations and painting. We are thankful to all these volunteers. Galatians 6:10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. We have experienced this.