Thursday, September 24, 2009


Thursday, September 24, 2009
I am a lion, hear me roar! After a month of silence they have deflated the cuff and I can talk. It's not very pretty but I can talk. I was not a very patient patient but the result was worth waiting for. It always seems the best is worth waiting for. I tried singing hymns but my singing voice has not yet returned. Now at least people can understand me although I can only say about five words at a time and then have to wait. (his cuff was deflated for an hour trial run, and they will do the same tomorrow)
I really enjoy reading all the blog comments but some are anonymous. I can figure out who you are if you drop a hint like a first name in your message but thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I read them every day and think about them every night as the song goes- you pray for me, I'll pray for you and we'll pray together as we go marching on. I look forward to reading more in the future
Love the ministerscatjohn


  1. Talking! That's huge! Praise the Lord!
    Bless you, John. Keep going! :) Connie Gibson

    Hi John, I'm praying for you. From Jesse

  2. Hi, Brother

    So glad to hear that you can talk! You didn't pray for patience did you? It sounds like you will still need patience for anything longer than "good morning", "how are you!", and "my head itches".

    We are still very busy getting ready for winter on the farm. The Rock Creek Fair went very well this year.

    Love Robin.

  3. Ha ha hear your joyful noise unto the Lord would have been a tremendously beautiful thing. How I would have loved to be there worshiping with you this morning. But tomorrow as I croak out my songs ( I have yet to find my singing voice) I will be thinking of you.....One day our aria will come!!

    Love Suzette

  4. Hey the uncle John, thats cool, I will have to come home soon to hear the talking. It will be atleast two weeks though I think, because my family is away this weekend, and my RA is taking us to her house for the next. Oh well :(

    hmmm the ministers cat is a 'great cat'

  5. Such wonderful news! I am laughing with joy for you at being able to speak again...feeling an awed awareness of the parts of who we are that we take for granted, until they are taken from us...and the jubilation of their happy for you! We've been playing the ministers cat here too...tho we've branched out and used other categories...the scope is endless. So thank you for teaching us. Love and prayers from Deb and family

  6. Hi John, This is Diane, (Patricia Ward and Rick Gration's sister), I look forward to reading your blog every evening. I'm so amazed every day to read about your accomplishments. Your faith will carry you through. God is good! I can hardly wait to hear who wins that race that you are planning with Rick when you get back home!

  7. John, we knew you wouldn't be silenced for long!! :) Not when you are so full of wonderful things that need said, especially the way you share your steadfast faith and love in our Lord. We still miss you and Laverne like crazy at Kelly Creek, but we're soldiering on in your absence. Thought you'd like to know the Sunday school kids were munching on their sunflower seeds last weekend, when we had our Harvest BBQ to celebrate the end of the season with our Community Garden. As others have noted, reading of your blog has become part of my daily routine, and I shed tears of joy to 'hear' the joy in your voice over being able to speak. As always, you are in our love and prayers, every day! Much love,
    MariAnn and Peter

  8. Hi John and Laverne:
    All I can say is wow. Just so you know your blog site has become quite well known up here. Your progress is viewed by many. The blog site has been an inspiration and has touched many lives. Bless you both. We love you. Dorie :O)

  9. Hallelujah! His voice is back, oh my.... have to behave now. On my way to the convention in Burnaby. Love inge-Lore

  10. Sooooooo awesome John!!! Just so awesome! Kitty and I were rejoicing together at this wonderful news this morning--God is so faithful! And, you are so pro-active! Bring out the harp and lyre---or at least a lively "Praise" CD!!! In Him, Kathie Pritchard and Kitty.

  11. Fabulous! So great to hear the good news! God is good! He is not safe, but my, oh my, He is good. (paraphrased from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe)
