Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wednesday, September 30, 2009
About 3 days ago I had new tubing, a smaller trach, and a valve put in so I could talk both when I breath in and out which some will look on as a blessing and others as a curse. These were a lot of changes which were very exciting as they also lead to me being able to swallow and eat soon. Before that happens I have to tolerated having my cuff deflated and the speaking valve in. This is not as easy as it seems. I felt like I was not getting enough air so they fiddled with many things like giving me a bigger volume of air, even pills for anxiety, upping my medication but nothing seemed to help me tolerate this any better. Today they decided to give me more breaths per minute and finally I feel comfortable with the cuff down. This reminded me of the program I listened to on CBC about the church in China. The 3 Self church has the bells and whistles (like meds and equipment) but no breath. The house church movement in China could not tolerate this. To them the breath of God (Spirit) is what is necessary. The verse that I thought to go with this is 1 Cor. 9:22b I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hard Work

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
This has been a busy week for John. Yesterday he had his trach changed to a smaller one. This will eventually allow him to swallow so he can eat. He also had a valve put in his trach which allows him to speak on expiration so he can talk more than 5 words at a time. Pray for John as when the cuff for his trach is deflated he feels like he is not getting enough air and that is a scary feeling. The physio started to work with him on exercises to augment the breathing done by the ventilator. The occupational therapist worked on his wheelchair so it is much more comfortable for him to sit in now. He also had a visit from the dietician. I think all the different medical areas have picked this week to start doing something with John. It is quite exciting but there is a lot of work involved for John and most of the hard stuff not exactly what I anticipated would be the hard stuff.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The FAT Christian Bible Study (Part Two)

Monday, September 28, 2009
I was part way through the third period when a friend Allen from Powell River came. He'd been doing a course and came down a day early and visited me before and now the course was over and rather than spend the time in his hotel room he came to see me. At first I was trying to listen to the game and talk to him but I decided to chuck the game and spend the time with Allen. At first we talked about how things were going but then Allen hauled out his palm pilot. He had several Bible studies he created on it . He asked me which one I wanted and I told him one on the resurrection from John 20 so we went through the Bible study answering the questions. It's surprising what happens when you have to condense your answer into 5 or 10 words in 1 or 2 breaths. We had a great time and a time of prayer and said good-bye. It turned out that the cuff deflation went 1/2 hour longer than planned.
So what is a FAT Christian Bible study. F-Faithful. Allen was faithful to come and visit even after 9 pm. A-Available. I was available because I wasn't going anywhere and also because the cuff was deflated so I could talk and Allen had the Bible study available. T-Teachable. I think everybody should try doing Bible study with a trach because I couldn't say too much. I was teachable and learned a lot more.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A very busy day (Part One)

Sunday, September 27, 2009
When I awoke at 8 o'clock my nurse was ready to put in a new NG tube. Taking the old one out was horrible. Putting the new one in wasn't much better. Then my doctor came along and told her to put it down another 5 cm after which they had to X ray it to make sure it went into my stomach. The new tube was much smaller and once in much more comfortable. After the X rays were taken I got up in the wheelchair. When I went to bed after the chair they deflated the trach cuff and lo and behold I could speak. They gave me a break around 5 pm but a 7 they deflated the cuff again. I was listening to the hockey game and wondering who I was going to talk to at that time of night. To be continued

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Saturday, September 26, 2009
Over the past few days as you know I have been talking but that means some air doesn't go to my lungs. There have been a few scary times when I couldn't get enough air to breath. Every time it happened everybody ran around in circles until the air was restored. It got me thinking that our breath is in God's hand. Isaiah 42:1-5 Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his law. Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it: -I can't think of anyone I would rather have holding my breath.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The minister's cat is a learning* cat *with help

Friday, September 25, 2009
I remember the summer I learned to ride my bike. We did not have training wheels. I tried it on the back alley. I did not succeed. That night I went to bed sobbing "I'll never learn to ride that stupid bike." The next day my mother made a picnic lunch . My three cousins, my mom and I went down to the meadows for the day. The roads were dirt and very smooth. My cousins took turns running along side me as I rode on the smooth dirt. Just before lunch my cousin Wayne hollered "slow down, I can't keep up" and I realized I was riding my bike. After lunch we spent the afternoon riding along all the meadow roads (no car traffic) That night as I went to bed and marvelled at how easy it was to ride a bike. Now I am learning to talk again. At first I thought I'd never get the hang of it but today it seems almost natural. I think my Older Brother was running along side. Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Thursday, September 24, 2009
I am a lion, hear me roar! After a month of silence they have deflated the cuff and I can talk. It's not very pretty but I can talk. I was not a very patient patient but the result was worth waiting for. It always seems the best is worth waiting for. I tried singing hymns but my singing voice has not yet returned. Now at least people can understand me although I can only say about five words at a time and then have to wait. (his cuff was deflated for an hour trial run, and they will do the same tomorrow)
I really enjoy reading all the blog comments but some are anonymous. I can figure out who you are if you drop a hint like a first name in your message but thank you for all your kind thoughts and prayers. I read them every day and think about them every night as the song goes- you pray for me, I'll pray for you and we'll pray together as we go marching on. I look forward to reading more in the future
Love the ministerscatjohn

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Each day John's iv blood pressure medication is being decreased. He seems to be tolerating this although he does have a mini crisis after sitting up for awhile. Each day is better than the previous one. They also took off his PEEP today. Pray that his lungs will tolerate this. This is in preparation for talking which is something to which he is very much looking forward.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Helpful Staff

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Last night John spent the evening listening to the Canucks exhibition game. It is a fun thing he can do and the staff are very obliging about getting his radio and turning it on for him. Last night their timing wasn't so great as they decided it was time to cough and suction him just before the game ended. For you non-hockey fans that was when the Canucks scored the tying goal and went on to win. John found out the next morning. He was happy to have listened to most of the game anyways.
As an update on the CAT scan they didn't find anything so we are thankful for that. God is full of good gifts. A friend from Powell River was down for tests and stopped in to see John today. He sat up in his wheelchair and today they turned him around so he could look outside and see the sunshine-it is quite a procedure to turn the wheelchair around as there are so many cords and tubes. The staff all try to make things interesting for John

Monday, September 21, 2009

Low Blood Pressure

Monday, September 21, 2009
Today the staff are starting to be a bit more aggressive treating John's low blood pressure. The ICU doctor that first looked after him when he came to the step down unit is back (they rotate through the unit) and I think he wants to see something happen. His nurse is also carefully monitoring everything. I trust that focusing can help solve this problem. Today he was up and with careful monitoring he sat quite far up. The days can be quite long but he enjoys listening to the radio and cd's

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Safe in the Arms of Jesus

Sunday, September 20,2009
Safe in the Arms of Jesus. I move from my bed to the chair or back. I lie there and trust three people to move me from one place to the other without falling. That reminded me of Deut. 32:27 "The eternal God is my refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms" but that is only one pair of arms. Moving to the New Testament John 10:28,29 now we have two pairs of hands and Jesus' assurance that no one can pluck me from the Father's hand so I am safe in the arms of Jesus and my heavenly Father

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Lottery?

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Win the lottery or Proverbs 3:5,6? Yesterday I had a visit from the nurse specialist. She told me of a new way to handle my breathing, sort of a pacemaker for the diaphragm. She told me that it is very expensive and there is a 10 person trial and they have done 6. There are 4 spaces left and if I got one it wouldn't cost me a thing. When she told me this my heart started to beat faster. I began to calculate the odds of getting one of the four spots. Just as I was getting all excited I remembered Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. I realized that I have never won a lottery but that God promised that he would direct all my paths and I have proven this over and over. He has never failed so good bye lottery and I will stick to Proverbs 3:5,6

Friday, September 18, 2009

One Month

Friday, September 18, 2009
Today Laverne told me it had been a month. To me it seems more like one day over and over but the one thing that is common to each day is casting my cares upon the Lord Isaiah 26:3. Whether it is one day, one month, or longer I know he cares for me 1 Peter 5:7
People have been asking about visiting. John is very happy to have visitors. Don't plan on staying more than half an hour as he tires quickly.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thursday, September 17, 2009
Half full or half empty? After my trip for the CAT scan I did not get up in my wheel chair that day. I was feeling like nothing was ever going to progress then the physio came. I think I must have shown her how I felt. She set me right, most patients struggle with bad cases of pneumonia and I had a mild case so I realized I was expecting too much. the situation is the same today but my perspective has changed. The same thing happened when I read Romans 8:28-32. God is so good.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Tests

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I've made two trips from my room this week, one for an ultra sound, the other for a CAT scan. It seems the doctor wants to gather as much information as possible. I hope that he can do something with it! I would like to start with talking and graduate to moving the wheelchair.
I really missed Laverne when she was gone but I had a visit from my former doctor Tom, as well as Marsha and Katie. I still feel tired a lot of the time. Pray for me

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sorry to all you who were looking for a post last night. I am in PR right now and forgot that I had disconnected the internet so couldn't post from there in the evening. John went for an ultrasound today. It is quite a procession with him, the porter, the nurse and a respiratory therapist plus his ventilator and IV's. Some of his blood work wasn't quite what they wanted so they are doing some more exploration. Tomorrow he is off for a CAT scan. We will keep you posted when we hear of any results. Laverne


Monday, September 14, 2009
I woke thinking of my grandmother. Most of what I know of her I learned from my dad. When she was a small girl, about 8 years old Grandma went to work in the mines. Her job was to sit beside a door for 12 hours a day and open the door when the horse-drawn ore-cart came by. My Grandma was always cheerful when I met her. My grandfather was a bricklayer and took my grandma out from the mines and across the sea to Canada. She is an example of what perseverance really means.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tonight as I lay in bed Iwas thinking of Frank Sinatra, old blue eyes. He sang a song for his daughter Nancy called Nancy of the laughing eyes. My nurse tonight is Nancy and she has eyes that twinkle with laughter. What a special gift for a caregiver!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kum Ba Yah

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Last night I laid on my bed with the lights low, but not ready to sleep. My thoughts drifted to a time over 30 years ago when we gathered on the shore of a lake in Manitoba. I was at a Navigator training program. As we gathered around the campfire John Potts took out his guitar and we sang Kum Ba Yah. As I looked into the stars I felt God truly would Kum Ba Yah. Tonight on my bed again I have the same feeling - God is here. When I read my New Testament I see so many instances where Jesus came by people with needs. Yesterday Laverne read John 5. I had chosen it because of v39 but as she read it I was struck by the story of the invalid at the pool of Bethesda. What an example of Kum Ba Yah.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Friday, September 11,2009
Two steps forward, one step back. I was all excited about starting to talk this week. They had put me on room air in preparation for deflating my cuff (around the tube of the tracheostomy). Mr. P reared his ugly head but "I've got confidence God is going to see me through".

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Thursday, september 10,2009

Well they did find bugs growing in John's sputum so he is on antibiotics. Pray that this will clear quickly. This week for the first time since the accident John felt me hold his hand and stroke his arm. He said it felt like pins and needles. After 32 years I still can electrify him. Seriously, it is great that some feeling is starting to come back. They are working on his breathing as well. He is just on room air and they have made other adjustments to his ventilator. We are looking forward to other signs of progress soon and as they happen they will be posted.
Continue to pray about his blood pressure. It continues to dip when he sits up. Sitting up has to be done in stages with the wheelchair tilted right back and then brought to an upright position in stages with little rests in between.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Continuous Care

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I woke up this morning with three people around me. They were busy coughing, suctioning, and turning me. The nurse came with medications and then a bed bath, physio and a lot of other things.
Afterwards I lay thinking about it all. Continuous Care. It reminded me of a swimming pool I saw in Africa. It had been built for the Pan Africa games. After the games were over the show piece was no longer needed. They stopped taking care of it. It was cracked, only half full and covered in green slime. I wonder what I would look like if the care stopped. Probably much worse. thank the Lord for a dedicated team of continuous care givers. John
Today they decided that John has a bit of pneumonia. Please pray as they want to treat this agressively as possible but not give antibiotics unless absolutely necessary Laverne

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Talking with John

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Talking with John takes a good deal of patience and perseverence on the part of him and the person with whom he is talking. At this time on the ventilator he cannot use his voice box as the air goes straight from his neck into his lungs. This means that although his lips form the words no sound comes out. Did you know that sounds as different as "f"' and "n" look pretty much the same when there is no sound to go along with the shape of the lips? We get on a roll for a while and can have quite a conversation but John has quite a vocabulary and doesn't just stick to one or two syllable words and it is easy to get lost. When nothing else works then we spell out words but even that doesn't always work as I don't always get the right letter. At that point I ask if it is in the first or second half of the alphabet and then run through the letters until he nods at the right one. Either that or he says "that's okay, it doesn't really matter". It is really hard if he is trying to tell a joke. However mostly we persevere and have good conversations and lots of laughs.


Monday, September 7, 2009
What does the ministers cat look like? Send a picture to .
As you can probably tell John is full of ideas. His spirits are good. He is trusting in the Lord with all his heart. The days go by slowly but there is so much for which to be thankful. His care is so good and the staff are quick to respond to his needs.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Sunday, September 6, 2009
The minister's cat is a hilarious cat. Laverne already wrote about the great Burnaby Street race. Now I want to tell you about Nan and Alex. Alex does not say very much instead he laughs with his eyes. Nan is a great story teller. She used to be a nurse in a spinal cord unit and told me about her first bed to wheelchair transfer. She had to climb up on the bed and then had a fit of the giggles. The equipment today is much better. Having visitors is so much fun. "With Jesus in the boat, I can smile at the storm, laugh at the storm, roar at the storm, as we go sailing home."

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wheel Chair

Saturday, September 5, 2009
This is the third day John has sat up in a wheel chair. Each day he has tolerated it better with less of a drop in his blood pressure and stayed up for a longer period of time. His chair is specially adjusted for him and is his alone for as long as he is in VGH. So far he hasn't made any journeys as he is hooked up to so many things but the occupational therapist told him the next week they would start moving. Right now there is a red N new driver, no moving without an OT sign on the back of his chair. A special friend, Rick, from Powell River visited today and they were setting up a wheel chair race down Burnaby St. when John gets back to PR

Friday, September 4, 2009


Friday, September 4, 2009
My tongue stretches for the call bell. It is six in the morning and my eyebrow itches. The night nurse comes and we spend time communicating. Finally her eyes light up. we both laugh and she scratches my forehead. The day begins. Turns, bath, coughs. As I lie in a moment of peace I remember that after supper Jesus took off his outer garment and washed the disciples feet (John 13) Eugene Peterson wrote a book Christ plays in 10,000 places (from a poem of Geraard Manley Hopkins) Today He was here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Thursday, September 3, 2009.

"Last night I lay awake and thought. I know so many people but I don't think of them often, so last night I thought and prayed for many of them. God loves them and so we talked of them in the night. Psalm 119:145-152. The days are too busy to pray. Thank God for the night!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Wednesday, September 2, 2009.

"I've got confidence. Thirtyfive years ago my friend got out of the infamous 'Hanoi Hilton'. He is a singer and sang of confidence in God. Today "I've got confidence, God is going to see me through". I don't know how, but he will. "
Please pray that as they continue to decrease his medication that John's blood pressure will remain high.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Tuesday, September 1, 2009.

From John
"This morning they parked me so I could see all the stats on the monitor. The people looking after me are using them to get a good picture of my health. My heavenly father does not need stats, He knows all about me Psalm 139:13-15 but his helpers use the stats and know more about me then I do"