Thursday, June 30, 2011

A New Room

TWOTW is studio. This is the name I have given my new workspace.
I call it my studio because it is where I intend to be creative. Here is a quote that gets at what I mean:
The studio has become the crucible where human genius at the apogee of its development brings back to question not only that which is, but creates anew a fantastic and conventional nature which our weak minds, impotent to harmonize it with existing things, adopt by preference, because the miserable work is our own.

Eugène Delacroix

But I must be honest in this blog of mine. I share my room with the love of my life.
Laverne and her sewing machine have set up shop. So we can be creative together.

Endnote: before the new can come the old must pass away.

All for now

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Life-changing Ride

The title above comes from the June issue of the Powell River Living Magazine. It is on page 14 of the June issue and you can find it on the web at:
When the writer interviewed me for the story I was again challenged as to why I was not angry with God over what had happened to me. When all is said and done, if God be God then He will do what He wills. So my life has indeed changed but God has not! In the words of the hymn: tho all around my world give way He still is all my hope and stay.
As the days get warmer I plan on spending more time writing in my new studio. Does this mean I will post more to The Ministers Cat? We can only hope. But in my next post I will show you what my new room looks like.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father’s Day

TWOTW (the word of the week): father
Father's Day dates back to 1910 in Spokane, Wash., but was not widespread until 1943, in imitation of Mother's Day. Mother seems to take the “pole position” when it comes to celebrating the family. This was not always the case. In earlier times men often provided for their families by working at home (one of my early ancestors, Wat the Honest Weaver, worked in his home.) Little House on the Prairie, TV show or books, is an example of a stay home father in pioneer days on this continent.
The change came with the industrial revolution and the exodus of fathers from the home to the factory. My own father left home Monday to Friday at 5:30am and arrived back at 4:30pm and I was one of the lucky ones, my father was a tradesman, no shiftwork.
Fathers can be used to refer to the originators of something:
the Founding Fathers of the USA,

or in Canada’s case the Fathers of Confederation.